1.0.0-beta • Published 4 years ago

fen-reader v1.0.0-beta

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4 years ago


fen-reader CI

chess FEN reader, converters, scanner and check position validity.


> npm install --save fen-reader

or with yarn

> yarn add fen-reader


Converters can transform FEN position format:

  • string to array fen2array(fen: string): Array<string[]>
  • string to json fen2json(fen: string): {[keyname: string]: string}
  • array to json array2json(fen: Array<string[]>): {[keyname: string]: string}
  • array to string array2fen(fen: Array<string[]>): string
  • json to array json2array(fen: {[keyname: string]: string}): Array<string[]>
  • json to string json2fen(fen: {[keyname: string]: string}): string

for extract FEN position of full FEN format see normalizer

e.g FEN position: rnbqkb1r/pppppppp/5n2/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR e.g full FEN: rnbqkb1r/pppppppp/5n2/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 1 2


const {converters} = require('fen-reader');

const fenArray = converters.fen2array('rnbqkb1r/pppppppp/5n2/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR');


black parts in lower case and white parts upper case array fen is readable as look by white player.


const {converters} = require('fen-reader');

const fenJson = converters.fen2json('rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR');

  "a1": "rw",
  "b1": "nw",
  "c1": "bw",
  "d1": "qw",
  "e1": "kw",
  "f1": "bw",
  "g1": "nw",
  "h1": "rw",
  "a2": "pw",
  "b2": "pw",
  "c2": "pw",
  "d2": "pw",
  "e2": "pw",
  "f2": "pw",
  "g2": "pw",
  "h2": "pw",
  "a8": "rb",
  "b8": "nb",
  "c8": "bb",
  "d8": "qb",
  "e8": "kb",
  "f8": "bb",
  "g8": "nb",
  "h8": "rb",
  "a7": "pb",
  "b7": "pb",
  "c7": "pb",
  "d7": "pb",
  "e7": "pb",
  "f7": "pb",
  "g7": "pb",
  "h7": "pb"

can use arg2 options for configure output json fen

interface Fen2JsonOptions {

   * @describe json output contains only squares with part while true
   * @default true
  isRemoveEmptySquare: boolean,

   * @describe parts notation use lower/upper as color depending while true
   * @default false

  isImplicitColor: boolean,

   * @describe value from empty square while `isRemoveEmptySquare` is false
   * @default null
  emptySquare: any



The other converters are reciprocal functions from above functions

  • array to json array2json(fen: Array<string[]>): {[keyname: string]: string}
  • array to string array2fen(fen: Array<string[]>): string
  • json to array json2array(fen: {[keyname: string]: string}): Array<string[]>
  • json to string json2fen(fen: {[keyname: string]: string}): string


fen-reader implements checker of position validity. for extract FEN position of full FEN format see normalizer.

const {isValidFenPosition} = require('fen-reader');

const FEN_POSITION = "rnbqkb1r/pppppppp/5n2/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR";

const fenPositionResponse = isValidFenPosition( {
  position: FEN_POSITION,
  options: {
    isRequireKings: true, // default=true,
    separator: "/", // rows separator default "/"
} )

console.log( fenPositionResponse )

The response position have the below sheme:

interface FenPositionResponse {

  isValid: boolean,
  details?: string[],
  warn?: string,

  * @see StateAttributes
  * @describe contains status of all checkers position
  stats: StateAttributes,

  * @see ScanResponse
  * @describe contains scan infos of position only if `isValid` is true
  scan?: ScanResponse

interface ScanResponse {

  [keyname: string]: number | null,

  countParts: number | null,
  countWhiteParts: number | null,
  countBlackParts: number | null,

  countPawns: number | null,
  countWhitePawns: number | null,
  countBlackPawns: number | null,

  countRooks: number | null,
  countWhiteRooks: number | null,
  countBlackRooks: number | null,

  countBishops: number | null,
  countWhiteBishops: number | null,
  countBlackBishops: number | null,

  countQueens: number | null,
  countWhiteQueens: number | null,
  countBlackQueens: number | null,

  countKnights: number | null,
  countWhiteKnights: number | null,
  countBlackKnights: number | null,

interface StateAttributes {

   * @var isValidNumberRows
   * @describe number valid rows should be 8 as traditional chess game
  isValidNumberRows: boolean,
  isValidChars: boolean,
  isExistsKings: boolean,
  isValidTimesPawns: boolean,
  isValidTimesKings: boolean,
  isValidTimesQueens: boolean,
  isValidTimesRooks: boolean,
  isValidTimesBishops: boolean,
  isValidTimesKnights: boolean,
  isValidNumberCharsBetweenDash: boolean,
  isValidParts: boolean,
  isValidPartsByPlayer: boolean


normalizer transform a full FEN position to array FEN elements

const {normalizer} = require('fen-reader');

const FEN_POSITION = "rnbqkb1r/pppppppp/5n2/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 1 2";

const fenElements = normalizer(FEN_POSITION);

console.log( fenElements );

if elements missing after position normalizer considerate as null

const {normalizer} = require('fen-reader');

const FEN_POSITION = "rnbqkb1r/pppppppp/5n2/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq";

const fenElements = normalizer(FEN_POSITION);

console.log( fenElements );

create fen reader

createFenReader is a wrap of FEN converters/checker/scanner position

createFenReader(position?: string): FenReaderInterface

const {createFenReader} = require('fen-reader')

const fenReader = createFenReader()

createFenReader return object implement the above FenReaderInterface

interface FenReaderInterface {

   * @param position string | Array<string[]> | {[keyname: string]: string}
   * @description change current fen position from multiple format recognize by fen converters
  setPosition( position: string | Array<string[]> | {[keyname: string]: string} ): boolean,

  readonly position: FenReaderPosition,

   * @var scan
   * @describe null while not position define
   * @see ScanResponse
  readonly scan: ScanResponse | null,

  // status castlings
  readonly whiteCastling: string | null,
  readonly blackCastling: string | null,

interface FenReaderPosition {

  // all attributes null while not position define

  readonly fen: string | null,
  readonly array: Array<string[]> | null,
  readonly json: {[keyname: string]: string} | null