1.0.2 • Published 10 years ago
fidor-client v1.0.2
Fidor Client
Send SEPA payments from a Fidor account using the Fidor API
npm install --save fidor-client
Fidor Client requires a valid Fidor account id and oauth access token, which can be obtained by registering a bank account and user at the Fidor Developer Portal
var FidorClient = require('fidor-client');
var fidor = new FidorClient({
url: 'sandbox.api.fidor.de',
accountId: 123,
accessToken: 45678
amount: 11595,
iban: 'LT121000011101001000',
uid: '2d3312af-f2ad-4d3a-a177-9fa1708083cc',
recipient: 'Steven Zeiler',
message: 'Payment for Services rendered'
.then(function(payment) {
// payment was sucessful
.error(function(error) {
// payment failed