0.1.3 • Published 7 years ago
file-a2dev v0.1.3
file system suport.
this sample save to log.txt. 2 line a and b.
let file = require("file-a2dev")
file.deepReaddirSync('/path/to/read') // {files: ["a.jpg", "b/c.jpg"], directories: ["b"]}
setSeparator (target)
add path separator last of string only not exists.
file.setSeparator('/path/to/read') // '/path/to/read/'
file.setSeparator('/path/to/read/') // '/path/to/read/'
deepReaddirSync (base, options = {})
read files and directories.
file.deepReaddirSync('/path/to/read') // {files: ["/path/to/read/a.jpg", "/path/to/read/b/c.jpg"], directories: ["/path/to/read/b"]}
file.deepReaddirSync('/path/to/read', {maxDeep: 0}) // {files: ["/path/to/read/a.jpg", "/path/to/read/b/c.jpg"], directories: ["/path/to/read/b"]}
file.deepReaddirSync('/path/to/read', {maxDeep: 0, isRelative: true}) // {files: ["a.jpg", "b/c.jpg"], directories: ["b"]}
- maxDeep: number (default: 5)
- max search number for deep. 0~
- ignoreSystemFile: boolean (default: true)
- not exists system file
- isRelative: boolean (default: false)
- response value to relative.
makeFiles (filse, current = '.')
create any files.
// create files ./a.txt(text a), b/b.txt(text b)
file.makeFiles({"a.txt": "text a", b: {"b.txt": "text b"}})
checkFiles (files, current = '.')
check files
file.checkFiles({"a.txt": "text a", b: {"b.txt": "text b"}}) // [ 'no exists ./a.txt', 'no exists ./b' ]
renameSyncBySearch (file, pattern, replace)
rename one file, it's hit pattern.
file.makeFiles({sub: {"abcdabcd.txt": "text a"}})
var change = file.renameSyncBySearch("./sub/abcdabcd.txt", /[bc]+/g, "ZZ") // { old: './sub/abcdabcd.txt', new: './sub/aZZdaZZd.txt' }
fillNumbersByMaxlengthUnderDirectory (directory = '.')
change filename under directory.
it's search all files name. and get max length of number.
finaly change files number to max length.
file.makeFiles({sub: {"aaa012.txt": "", "aab12.txt": ""}})
var change = file.fillNumbersByMaxlengthUnderDirectory("./sub") // [ { old: './sub/aaa012.txt', new: './sub/aaa12.txt' } ]
isSystemfile (filename)
check file is system file.
- it's not need exists
file.isSystemfile("._") // true
canWrite (file)
check file is exists or file's directory is exists.
file.canWrite ("/existsDir/Exists.txt") // true
file.canWrite ("/existsDir/noExists.txt") // true
file.canWrite ("/noExistsDir/noExists.txt") // false