0.3.6 • Published 10 years ago

file-geocoder v0.3.6

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Last release
10 years ago


Geocodes a file (JSON or CSV). Requires a Google-style geocoder.

For example:

Given a CSV,

address,              city,       state, zip
135 Morrisey Blvd,    Boston,     MA,    02125
1150 15th Street NW,  Washington, DC,    20071
242 West 41st Street, New York,   NY,    10036 

file-geocoder adds several geocoding fields (what's the deal with GeocodeAdminAreaLevel1?):

address,              city,       state, zip,   GeocodeLat, GeocodeLng, GeocodeStatus, GeocodeLocality, GeocodeAdminAreaLevel1, GeocodeCountry, GeocodeAddress
135 Morrisey Blvd,    Boston,     MA,    02125, 42.293929,  -71.047218, ROOFTOP,       Boston,          MA,                     United States,  "135 Morrisey Blvd, Boston, MA, 02125"
1150 15th Street NW,  Washington, DC,    20071, 38.904711,  -77.034647, ROOFTOP,       Washington,      DC,                     United States,  "1150 15th Street NW, Washington, DC, 20071"
242 West 41st Street, New York,   NY,    10036, 40.755819,  -73.988402, ROOFTOP,       New York,        NY,                     United States,  "242 West 41st Street, New York, NY, 10036"

Usage examples

Geocode a JSON file, hit http://localhost:8080 (how to setup a local geocoder):

file-geocoder \
	-f myaddresses.json \
	-a address,city,state,zip # list of fields containing the address, in order

Geocode a CSV file, hit Google, throttle geocoding requests to 1 per second (read up on their usage limits):

file-geocoder \
	-f myaddresses.csv \
	-a address,city,state,zip \ # list of fields containing the address, in order
	-h maps.googleapis.com \ # geocoding host
	-p 80 \ # geocoding port
	-s 1 # time (in seconds) to throttle the geocoding requests

Your laptop battery died before the geocoder finished. No problem. file-geocoder stores its work on a .db file. Let's resume the geocoding:

file-geocoder \
	-d myaddresses.db \ # database
	-a address,city,state,zip # list of fields containing the address, in order

Progress bar!

Progress bar!


npm install file-geocoder -g


file-geocoder imports the JSON/CSV file to a NeDB datastore before geocoding. For performance reasons, NeDB keeps a copy of the whole database in memory. In other words, file-geocoder is a memory hog. If the JSON file is 1GB, you better have at least that much RAM.


10 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago