0.3.0 • Published 8 years ago
filepaths v0.3.0
Get paths to all files in dirs/subdirs in node
getSync(paths, opts)
Recurses through the supplied paths, returning an array of file paths found in each. Paths may be a string, or an array of strings. The paths may be strings pointing to files or directories. Accepts an options object with the following keys: ignore and ext. opts.ignore takes either a single string pattern or array of patterns to ignore. opts.ext accepts either a string, or array of strings corresponding to filename extensions to retrieve.
var filepaths = require('filepaths');
filePaths.getSync('/lib', {ext: '.js'});
filePaths.getSync('/project', {ignore: 'node_modules'});
filePaths.getSync('/project', {ignore: 'test|spec'});
filepaths.getSync(['/dir1', '/dir2'], {
ext: ['.js', '.jsx'],
ignore: ['node_modules']