1.0.2 • Published 8 years ago

find-module-uses v1.0.2

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Last release
8 years ago


find-module-uses is a utility to help you figure out what modules might be affected by your js changes, and where to find them. Especially useful for UI changes, where you want to be certain that you haven't screwed up the rendering of any of the enclosing components.

show-module-dependents is a more generic utility allowing you to explore the dependents of a specific module and visualize/restrict said dependents in useful ways.


npm install -g find-module-uses

Run this from the comand line to install both utilities.



find-module-uses $ModuleName


  -w, --webpackPath        [string] [default: "node_modules/.bin/webpack"]
  -p, --profilePath        [string] [default: "tmp/profile.json"]
  -f, --forceRegenProfile  [boolean] [default: "false"]
  -r, --root               [string]
  -d, --depth              [number] [default: "1"]
  --help                   [boolean]

-p/--profilePath and -f/--forceRegenProfile By default, it looks for the webpack profile at tmp/profile.json. You can specify a different path with the -p/--profile flag. If it's not there, it will generate it for you. You can also force it to regenerate the profile by passing -f/--forceRegenProfile.

-w/--webpackPath The tool uses the webpack CLI command to generate the profile. By default, it assumes that tool's available at node_modules/.bin/webpack, but that can be overriden with this command.

-d/--depth As mentioned, this flag is a little confusing, I confess, and is very different from -d in list-deps. It determines the depth of what constitutes "direct use". By default, it's 1, which tells the script to only look one level up, and finds an example path for each of those users of your module. But, if it were instead say 3, the script will find all uses 3 levels up, and then, for each of those paths, find an example path originating at the "root".

-r/--root The "root" to of the graph to restrict the sarch to. If passed, the script will only return results that are within this subgraph.



find-module-uses TimePicker
Directly used by:
Example path:

Directly used by:
Example path:

2 USES FOUND FOR: ./components/form/TimePicker.jsx



find-module-uses $ModuleName


  -p, --profilePath        [string] [default: "tmp/profile.json"]
  -f, --forceRegenProfile  [boolean] [default: "false"]
  -w, --webpackPath        [string] [default: "node_modules/.bin/webpack"]
  -e, --exclude            [string] [default: []]
  -m, --mode               ['tree' | 'flat' | 'graphviz] [default: 'tree]
  -d, --depth              [number] [default: "5"]
  --help                   [boolean]

-p/--profilePath and -f/--forceRegenProfile By default, it looks for the webpack profile at tmp/profile.json. You can specify a different path with the -p/--profile flag. If it's not there, it will generate it for you. You can also force it to regenerate the profile by passing -f/--forceRegenProfile.

-w/--webpackPath The tool uses the webpack CLI command to generate the profile. By default, it assumes that tool's available at node_modules/.bin/webpack, but that can be overriden with this command.

-e/--exclude You can exclude a dependent from the subsequent hierarchy by passing its name with the -e flag. I've found this helpful when you know you've correctly handled a change in one dependant, and want to see what else might be affected. Note that you can pass multiple files by passing the flag mulitple times (ie, show-module-dependents $module -e $excluded_module_1 -e $excluded_module_2).

-d/--depth To keep things from being too overwhelming, the command only lists 5 levels of the hierarchy. You can override it to be higher/lower with -d/--depth. 5 by default.

-r/--root The "root" to of the graph to restrict the sarch to. If passed, the script will only return results that are within this subgraph.

-m/--mode Visualization mode. There are three available:

  • flat: lists each layer of dependents as a flat list.
  • tree: prints out a formatted tree.
  • graphviz: prints the tree in the graphviz format (use http://www.webgraphviz.com/ or dot to render)



show-module-dependents TimePicker
                    ./dispatch/components/deliveries/Delivery.jsx (Excluded, 6 child modules hidden)
                    ./dispatch/components/deliveries/DeliveryHeader.jsx (Excluded, 7 child modules hidden)
                    ./core/components/shipments/show/ShipmentView.jsx (Excluded, 17 child modules hidden)

Excluding a module

show-module-dependents TimePicker -e DeliveryDateModal
        ./dispatch/components/deliveries/DeliveryDateModal.jsx (Excluded, 9 child modules hidden)
            ./dispatch/components/deliveries/DeliveryDateModal.jsx (Excluded, 9 child modules hidden)
                    ./core/components/shipments/show/ShipmentView.jsx (Excluded, 17 child modules hidden)

Excluding multiple modules

show-module-dependents TimePicker -e DeliveryDateModal -e DeliveryAppointmentScheduleActionItem
        ./dispatch/components/deliveries/DeliveryDateModal.jsx (Excluded, 9 child modules hidden)
            ./dispatch/components/deliveries/DeliveryDateModal.jsx (Excluded, 9 child modules hidden)
            ./core/components/shipments/action_items/DeliveryAppointmentScheduleActionItem.jsx (Excluded, 19 child modules hidden)

Show more depth

show-module-dependents TimePicker -d 10
                                        ./core/CoreLoader.jsx (Excluded, 0 child modules hidden)
                                        ./core/CoreApp.jsx (Excluded, 1 child modules hidden)
                                        ./core/CoreApp.jsx (Excluded, 1 child modules hidden)
                                        ./core/components/inbox/InboxInterface.jsx (Excluded, 2 child modules hidden)

Other Visualizations

show-module-dependents TimePicker -m flat

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5
show-module-dependents TimePicker -m graphviz

Note that you probably want to pipe this into http://www.webgraphviz.com/ or dot

strict digraph {
  "components/form\nTimePicker.jsx" -> "components/form\nDateAndTimeField.jsx";
  "components/form\nTimePicker.jsx" -> "components/form\nTimeField.jsx";
  "components/form\nTimePicker.jsx" -> "components/form\nTimePickerContainer.jsx";
  "components/form\nDateAndTimeField.jsx" -> "dispatch/components/deliveries\nDeliveryDateModal.jsx";
  "dispatch/components/deliveries\nDeliveryDateModal.jsx" -> "dispatch/components/deliveries/actionItems\nDeliveryActionItems.jsx";
  "dispatch/components/deliveries/actionItems\nDeliveryActionItems.jsx" -> "dispatch/components/deliveries\nDeliveryHeader.jsx";
  "dispatch/components/deliveries\nDeliveryHeader.jsx" -> "dispatch/components/deliveries\nDelivery.jsx";
  "components/form\nTimeField.jsx" -> "components/form\nTimeRangeField.jsx";
  "components/form\nTimeRangeField.jsx" -> "dispatch/components/deliveries\nDeliveryDateModal.jsx";
  "components/form\nTimeRangeField.jsx" -> "core/components/shipments/action_items\nDeliveryAppointmentScheduleActionItem.jsx";
  "dispatch/components/deliveries\nDeliveryDateModal.jsx" -> "dispatch/components/deliveries/actionItems\nDeliveryActionItems.jsx";
  "dispatch/components/deliveries/actionItems\nDeliveryActionItems.jsx" -> "dispatch/components/deliveries\nDeliveryHeader.jsx";
  "core/components/shipments/action_items\nDeliveryAppointmentScheduleActionItem.jsx" -> "core/components/shipments/show\nShipmentActionItems.jsx";
  "core/components/shipments/show\nShipmentActionItems.jsx" -> "core/components/shipments/show\nShipmentView.jsx";