1.0.5 • Published 5 years ago
findemo v1.0.5
JavaScript library to find emoji in given String.
Install the package with the following command
npm i findemo
var findemo = require("findemo");
// to find emoji from given string.
findemo.findEmoji("The tiny, emotive characters—from 😜 to 🎉 to 💩—represent the first language born of the digital world");
// find UTF charactor for an emoji.
findemo.emoToUtf("🕑"); // output : 1f551
// To find Emoji from UTF charactor
findemo.utfToEmo("1f551"); // output : 🕑
The result of findEmoji() will be in the following format
emos: [
{ position: [Array], emoChar: '😜', utf: '1f61c' },
{ position: [Array], emoChar: '🎉', utf: '1f389' },
{ position: [Array], emoChar: '💩', utf: '1f4a9' }