2.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

fire-handler v2.0.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
3 years ago



npm i fire-handler --save
npm i dotenv --save // This is optional, you only need it if you want to use a .env file for your token
npm i cdcolours --save // This is optional, we use this for colourful console logs



// File Name (Main File) - index.js

const colour = require("cdcolours");
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const { fireHandler } = require("fire-handler");

const client = new Discord.Client();

client.on("ready", () => {

new fireHandler(client, {
    commandsDir: "commands", // String - commands directory
    eventsDir: "events", // String - events directory
    featuresDir: "features", // String - features directory
    prefix: "!", 
    category: "Misc", // String - Default category for commands
    pingReply: true, // Boolean - If you want the bot to reply with it's prefix when it gets pinged
    devs: [], // Array - Bot Developer ID's for devOnly commands.
    defaults: true // Boolean - active default commands

    colour("[READY]", { textColour: "green" }) +
      ` Successfully logged in as ${client.user.tag}`,



// File Name (Main File) - index.ts

import colour from "cdcolours";
import * as Discord from "discord.js";
import { fireHandler } from "fire-handler";
import { config as dotenv } from "dotenv";

const client = new Discord.Client();

client.on("ready", () => {

  new fireHandler(client, {
    commandsDir: "commands", // String - commands directory
    eventsDir: "events", // String - events directory
    featuresDir: "features", // String - features directory
    prefix: "!", 
    category: "Misc", // String - Default category for commands
    pingReply: true, // Boolean - If you want the bot to reply with it's prefix when it gets pinged
    devs: [], // Array - Bot Developer ID's for devOnly commands.
    defaults: true // Boolean - active default commands

    colour("[READY]", { textColour: "green" }) +
      ` Successfully logged in as ${client.user!.tag}`,


Creating a Command

All your command files need to be inside your commands directory. You can have as many sub directories as you want.


name* -- String | The name of the command 

aliases - Array | An array of aliases for the command
cooldown - String | Cooldown JUST TO DISPLAY IN HELP MENU
cooldownMessage - String | The response message if the cooldown timeout didn't expired

minArgs - Number | The minimum arguments required for a command
maxArgs - Number | The maximum arguments for a command
argsMessage - String | The response for if a user has too many or not enough arguments for a command

description - String | The command description
usage - String | The command usage
example - String | A example

dev - Boolean | If the command should be locked to developers only (Defined in the main file)
devMessage - String | The response message for if a non-dev runs a developer only command

nsfw - Boolean | If the command should be locked to NSFW channels
nsfwMessage - String | The response message for if a user runs a NSFW command in a SFW channel

permissions - Array | Permissions the user needs to run the command
permissionsMessage - String | The response message for if a user does not have all the required permissions

botPermissions - Array | Permissions the bot requires to run the command
botPermissionsMessage - String | The response message for if the bot does not have the requried permissions to run a command

category - String | The category the command is in

locked - Boolean | Locks the command (default: false)
lockedMessage - String | The response message for a locked command

hidden - Boolean | Makes the command completely invisible for help command (default: false)
hidden2 - Boolean | Makes the command partially invisible for help command (default: false)



// File Name - ping.js

const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js");

module.exports = {
  name: "ping",
  aliases: ["Pong"],
  description: "Replies with Pong!",
  cooldown: "5s",
  cooldownMessage: 'Wait {REMAINING} more to execute this command again!',
  //usage: "", it's not needed on this command
  //example: "", it's not needed on this command
  minArgs: 0,
  maxArgs: 0,
    "Incorrect Arguments! There are no arguments required for this command!",
  dev: true,
  devMessage: "You must be a developer to run this command!",
  nsfw: true,
  nsfwMessage: "You cannot run this command in SFW channels!",
  permissions: ["KICK_MEMBERS"],
    "You must have the 'Kick Members' permission to run this command!",
  botPermissions: ["EMBED_LINKS"],
    "I cannot run this command without the 'Embed Links' permission!",
  category: "Misc",
  locked: true, 
  lockedMessage: "This command is locked at the moment!",
  hidden: true,
  hidden2: true,
  fire: ({ message, args, client, handler }) => { 
    /* handler represents fireHandler but don't change the param name you can use callback, execute or run instead of fire */
    const embed = new MessageEmbed()


    handler.cooldown(message, '5s') // this creates a cooldown


// File Name - ping.ts

import { MessageEmbed } from "discord.js";

export default {
  name: "ping",
  aliases: ["Pong"],
  description: "Replies with Pong!",
  cooldown: "5s",
  cooldownMessage: 'Wait {REMAINING} more to execute this command again!',
  //usage: "", it's not needed on this command
  //example: "", it's not needed on this command
  minArgs: 0,
  maxArgs: 0,
    "Incorrect Arguments! There are no arguments required for this command!",
  dev: true,
  devMessage: "You must be a developer to run this command!",
  nsfw: true,
  nsfwMessage: "You cannot run this command in SFW channels!",
  permissions: ["KICK_MEMBERS"],
    "You must have the 'Kick Members' permission to run this command!",
  botPermissions: ["EMBED_LINKS"],
    "I cannot run this command without the 'Embed Links' permission!",
  category: "Misc",
  locked: true, 
  lockedMessage: "This command is locked at the moment!",
  hidden: true,
  hidden2: true,
  fire: ({ message, args, client, handler }: any) => { 
    /* handler represents fireHandler but don't change the param name
     you can use callback, execute or run instead of fire */
    const embed = new MessageEmbed()


    handler.cooldown(message, '5s') // this creates a cooldown


Intellisense is a feature which is only avaible for commands (at the moment). It gives more performance to the developer while creating commands


// File Name - ping.js

const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js')
const { Command } = require('fire-handler') // <--
module.exports = new Command({ // <--
    name: "ping",
    aliases: ["Pong"],
    description: "Replies with Pong!",
    cooldown: "5s",
    cooldownMessage: 'Wait {REMAINING} more to execute this command again!',
    //usage: "", it's not needed on this command
    //example: "", it's not needed on this command
    minArgs: 0,
    maxArgs: 0,
      "Incorrect Arguments! There are no arguments required for this command!",
    dev: true,
    devMessage: "You must be a developer to run this command!",
    nsfw: true,
    nsfwMessage: "You cannot run this command in SFW channels!",
    permissions: ["KICK_MEMBERS"],
      "You must have the 'Kick Members' permission to run this command!",
    botPermissions: ["EMBED_LINKS"],
      "I cannot run this command without the 'Embed Links' permission!",
    category: "Misc",
    locked: true, 
    lockedMessage: "This command is locked at the moment!",
    hidden: true,
    hidden2: true,
    fire: ({ message, args, client, handler }) => { 
      /* handler represents fireHandler but don't change the param name you can use callback, execute or run instead of fire */
      const embed = new MessageEmbed()
      handler.cooldown(message, '5s') // this creates a cooldown
  }); // <--


// File Name - ping.ts

import { MessageEmbed } from "discord.js";
import { Command, CommandOptions } from "fire-handler" // <--

export default new Command({ // <--
  name: "ping",
  aliases: ["Pong"],
  description: "Replies with Pong!",
  cooldown: "5s",
  cooldownMessage: 'Wait {REMAINING} more to execute this command again!',
  //usage: "", it's not needed on this command
  //example: "", it's not needed on this command
  minArgs: 0,
  maxArgs: 0,
    "Incorrect Arguments! There are no arguments required for this command!",
  dev: true,
  devMessage: "You must be a developer to run this command!",
  nsfw: true,
  nsfwMessage: "You cannot run this command in SFW channels!",
  permissions: ["KICK_MEMBERS"],
    "You must have the 'Kick Members' permission to run this command!",
  botPermissions: ["EMBED_LINKS"],
    "I cannot run this command without the 'Embed Links' permission!",
  category: "Misc",
  locked: true, 
  lockedMessage: "This command is locked at the moment!",
  hidden: true,
  hidden2: true,
  fire: ({ message, args, client, handler }: any) => { 
    /* handler represents fireHandler but don't change the param name
     you can use callback, execute or run instead of fire */
    const embed = new MessageEmbed()


    handler.cooldown(message, '5s') // this creates a cooldown
} as CommandOptions); // <--

Creating an Event


// file name = guildMemberRemove.js

module.exports = (client, member) => { // member is the guildMemberRemove param



// file name = guildMemberRemove.ts

import { Client } from "discord.js";

export default (client: Client, member: any) => { // member is the guildMemberRemove param


Creating a feature


// Imagine you need 2 guildMemberRemove events

module.exports = client => {

  client.on('guildMemberRemove', member => {




// Imagine you need 2 guildMemberRemove events

import { Client } from "discord.js";

export default (client: Client) => { /* you can import Client from
discord.js and change the any type to Client */

  client.on('guildMemberRemove', (member: any) => {




fireHandler.prefixes.set('guild id', 'new prefix')

Note: Prefixes are local host, if you have a db make sure to store them in the db and in a loop get all the prefixes and store them in fireHandler.prefixes.set()

fireHandler.prefixes.get('guild id') || fireHandler.prefix

Support and Other

If you need any help or have any suggestions for the package please join our Support Server

This package uses CDColours for the console logs!


3 years ago


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3 years ago