1.1.0 • Published 11 months ago

firefuse-admin v1.1.0

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11 months ago


firefuse-admin is a powerful typing utilities for firebase-admin.

firefuse-admin does nothing in runtime but improves firebase type.


  1. Type-safe doc() and collection().
  2. Type-safe where() and orderBy().

Getting started


npm i firefuse-admin firebase-admin@10

firefuse-admin is only for firebase-admin@10 currently.

Define Your schema

Schema is just a plain Typescript's type.

This is the example

type AppSchema = {
  // /user
  user: {
    // user/general
    general: {
      doc: Record<string, never>;
      col: {
        // /user/general/users
        users: {
          // /user/general/users/${id}
          [id: string]: { doc: User };
    // /user/admin
    admin: {
      doc: Record<string, never>;
      col: {
        // /users/admin/users
        users: {
          // /users/admin/users/${id}
          [id: string]: { doc: AdminUser };

type User = {
  name: string;
  age?: number;
  sex: "male" | "female" | "other";
  permissions: Permission[];

type AdminUser = {
  fullName: string;
  phoneNumbers: string[];
  emails: string[];
  permissions: Permission[];

Schema defines your firestore structure. doc field is the type of document and col field is the type of subcollection.

NOTE: you can't use Date in your schema. Use Timestamp instead.

Cast firestore

Then, cast firestore with the schema.

import * as firestore from "firebase-admin/firestore";
import * as fuse from "firefuse-admin";
// @ts-expect-error. firefuse-admin is too complex for tsc. This line is for ignoring recursion limit.
const DB = firestore.getFirestore() as fuse.FuseFirestore<AppSchema>;

That's it!


Type-safe path

You can see user is OK while users is wrong. Same goes for doc().

DB.collection("user"); // ✅
  // @ts-expect-error. ❌ users is wrong.

Returned snapshot is also typed

const userDoc = DB.doc("user/general/users/xxx");
const user = await userDoc.get();
const d: User | undefined = user.data(); // User | undefined

Type-safe where() and orderBy()

firefuse-admin prohibits you from applying array-contains-any to non-array fields.

Args of where() is strictly typed.

const users = DB.collection("user/general/users");
users.where("name", "==", "aaa"); // ✅
  // @ts-expect-error. Name field must be string
  // @ts-expect-error. permission must be ("create" | "read" | "update" | "delete")[]

orderBy() as well.

users.orderBy("name"); // ✅
  // @ts-expect-error. ❌ "xxx" is not field of User document

Type-safe query()

firefuse-admin introduce smarter type inference to query(). In the below example, age is number | undefined according to the schema, but it's inferred as number after queried.

const q = users.where("age", ">", 20); // ✅
const { docs } = await q.get();
const age: number = docs[0].data().age; // ✅ Now, age is `number`. Not `number | undefined.`

And, if you query with as const clause, query() narrows field type. In the following code, name is inferred as "arark", not string.

const q = users.where("name", "==", "arark" as const);
const { docs } = await q.get();
docs[0].data().name === "arark"; // ✅  name is "arark". Not `string`.


My schema is not assignable to firefuse-admin.Schema

Probably you are using interface in your schema. please use type.

If you want to use interaface, define document's data type like this.

interface A {
  a: number;
  [K: string]: number | never; // if this line is missing, you will get an error.
type S = {
  colName: {
    [Dockey: string]: { doc: A };

Note that [K: string]: number | never. This line is necessary for using interface.


11 months ago


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