0.0.4 • Published 10 years ago

flip-js v0.0.4

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10 years ago

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A simple singleton key-function store for registering feature toggles and varient values.


Flip is a singleton, so everytime you require('flip') it will return the same instance. It's inspired by routes in express and template helpers in handlebars if you're familiar with either of those.

You'll want to register features somewhere in your server setup.

var flip = require('flip');

flip.register('my-feature', function (subject) {
    return subject.isAdmin;

Then somewhere in your route or request handler you can check if the feature should be enabled.

var flip = require('flip');

module.exports = function (req, res) {
    var templateContext = {
        'my-feature-enabled': flip.check('my-feature', req.user)

You can also run checks asynchronously by providing a callback to the check function.

var flip = require('flip');

module.exports = function (req, res) {
    flip.check('my-feature', req.user, function (myFeature) {
        var templateContext = {
            'my-feature-enabled': myFeature


Flip comes with a few baked check functions.

Blessed List

Most times you just have a list of keys (users for example) that should have the feature enabled. In this case you can provide a list of the blessed users and be on your way.

// Register a feature and provide a list of blessed users
flip.register('my-feature', flip.bundled.blessedList(['drk', 'astro']));

// Then provide the user in the check to see if the feature should be enabled
flip.check('my-feature', 'drk'); // true
flip.check('my-feature', 'bogus'); // false


Another common use case is a/b testing or providing a varient per session. Here you can provide a hash of varients where the values are list of keys (users for example) for each varient.

var varients = {
    awesome: ['astro'],
    favorite: ['drk']

flip.register('my-varient', flip.bundled.varient(varients));

// Check for varient for a given user
flip.check('my-varient', 'astro'); // 'awesome'
flip.check('my-varient', 'drk'); // 'favorite'
flip.check('my-varient', 'bogus'); // false (no varient has been assigned!)

In the last example — 'bogus' — no varient has been assigned. You can handle the logic here for assigning a varient for 'bogus' and then register the varient again. In this case the varients are stored in memory which isn't extremely useful, but no reason you couldn't use another store like redis.


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10 years ago


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11 years ago