1.0.2 • Published 6 years ago

flower.js v1.0.2

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Last release
6 years ago


NPM module for improved logic flow. Create and visualize complex decision trees with ease.

##Installation It's recommended to install the NPM package globally. By doing so NPM will automatically add the command to PATH.

npm install -g flower.js

To verify the installation run:

flower test

Expected output:

> Successful installation


  • Editor

    Currently the only supported editor is *draw.io, a popular open source flowchart editor.

    *a specially designed fork of which, will come soon.

  • Example

    This is an example of a program. You can find at /demo

    ! example

    The example project comes with a file named "foo.js". This script is responsible with calling functions from the compiled chart and passing available parameters.

    //Import chart
    const bar = require('./bar');
    //Variables used in chart
    available_parameters = {
        counter: 7,
        print: function(arg1) {
            console.log('print: %s', arg1);
    //Call first function and pass parameters used by the flowchart.
  • Exporting

    To export a flowchart select 'File/Export as/XML'

    ! example

    Export as uncompressed XML. *If this isn't an option please make sure you only have one page in the document.

    ! example

  • Compiling

    After having installed the library and saved your flowchart in the appropriate folder you can compile it into java script with the following command:
    flower compile -s demo/draw_chart.xml -d demo/bar.js
    Where -s is the source xml file and -d the destination for the compiled js file.

ToDo: \<Project Structure>

If you intend to contribute to the project this guide will aid you in understanding the project structure and TODO's