1.2.0 • Published 5 years ago

flowtp v1.2.0

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5 years ago


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This is a JavaScript class and a command line tool that helps you process and manage Time-Base One Time Passwords (TOTP) that are used for a second factor of authentication in some applications.

Implementing this has helped me better understand bit manipulation.


  • follows RFC6238
  • uses a Unix time step of 30 seconds
  • uses SHA1 in the process of calculating the TOTP


Add the library to your package.json with NPM npm install flowtp or Yarn yarn add flowtp

const Flowtp = require('flowtp')

// at this moment, Unix time is 1513304902 so
let now = 1513304902

// create an instance of Flotp
// passing it a base32 encoded secret
let linda = new Flowtp('HELLOWORLD234567')

// if you don't pass it a secret,
// the constructor will generate a
// secret for you and set it as an
// instance variable
let paul = new Flowtp()

paul.secret // 'L6QVQRCVFXXP2T2G'
paul.now()  // '665713'

linda.now()       // '999328'
linda.at(now+30)  // '184569'

linda.verify('999328')           // true
linda.verifyAt('184569', now+30) // true

linda.toString() // '999 328'

Command Line

Install the tool globally with NPM npm install -g flowtp or Yarn yarn global add flowtp

Here are the different options that you can use

  Usage: flowtp [options] <name> [secret]


    -V, --version  output the version number
    -l, --list     show all the secrets
    -r, --remove   remove an entry with given name
    -a, --add      add an entry with given name and secret
    -w, --watch    watch TOTPs being generated forever
    -h, --help     output usage information

Once you add some secrets with the -a flag, you can get the current TOTP for that secret by typing flowtp followed by the name of the secret. Add the -w flag and it will loop forever, showing you the new code every 30 seconds. If your terminal supports colors, the current 6 digit code will turn red when it is close to running out of time.


5 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago