1.0.1 • Published 3 years ago
fluenticons v1.0.1
Fluent Icons CSS library and JavaScript library.
Include CSS and font
Copy all files under dist/style
folder to your project, such as fluenticons
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="fluenticons/fluenticons.css" />
Mark the html code to display, for example:
<i class="fluent-icon fluent-icon-ic_fluent_access_time_24_filled"></i>
All font icons can be viewed in dist/style/fluenticons.html
Include JavaScript
Import the files you need from dist/js
esm: 'dist/js/fluenticons.esm.js', // ES module for bundlers exposing `export const iconName = '<svg...'`
cjs: 'dist/js/fluenticons.js', // CommonJS for Node exposing `module.exports = { iconName: '<svg...' }`
esmx: 'dist/js/fluenticons.esm.jsx', // JSX ES module, exposing React components with `export`
cjsx: 'dist/js/fluenticons.cjs.jsx', // JSX CommonJS, exposing React components with `module.exports`
iife: 'dist/js/fluenticons.min.js', // Self executing <script>, exposing all icons as symbols on page,
dts: 'dist/js/fluenticons.d.ts', // Exposes typescript definitions with `export declare const`
dtsx: 'dist/js/fluenticons-jsx.d.ts' // Exposes typescript definitions for JSX with `export declare const`