1.0.2 ā€¢ Published 15 days ago

fluoro v1.0.2

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15 days ago


āš” A modern and universal Meta-Framework to construct other frameworks. āš”

It refers to thoughts which are Aspect-Oriented Programming, Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection.

šŸ› ļø Class & Interface

  • Context
  • Events
  • Modules
  • Services
  • Tokens

šŸ§Š Usage

Provide, get & mixin, inject

declare class Server {}

declare interface Context {
  config: typeof config;
  display: (typeof demo)['display'];

const demo = {
  name: 'hello, kotori!',
  display() {
    return this.name;

const ctx = new Context();

ctx.provide('config', {
  port: 3000,
  host: 'localhost'
ctx.provide('server', new Server());

const config = ctx.get('config'); // { port: 3000 }
const server = ctx.get('server'); // Server {}

ctx.config.port; // TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'port')
ctx.config.port; // 3000

ctx.display(); // Uncaught TypeError: ctx.display is not a function
ctx.mixin('demo', ['display']);
ctx.display(); // hello, kotori!


const ctx = new Context();
const ctxChild1 = ctx.extends();
const ctxChild2 = ctx.extends();

ctx.provide('data1', { value: 1 });
ctx.data1.value; // 1
ctxChild1.data1.value; // 1

ctxChild1.provide('data2', { value: 2 });
ctx.data2; // undefined
ctxChild1.data2.value; // 2

ctxChild2.provide('data3', { value: 3 });
ctx.data3; // undefined
ctxChild1.data3; // undefined
ctxChild2.data3.value; // 3

const ctx = new Context();
const ctxChild1 = ctx.extends();
const ctxChild2 = ctx.extends({meta: 'some meta data', 'child2'});

ctx.meta; // undefined
ctxChild1.meta; // undefined
ctxChild2.meta; //'some meta data'

ctx.identity; // undefined
ctxChild1.identity; // 'sub'
ctxChild2.identity; // 'child2'


/* types */
type ModuleInstanceClass = new (ctx: Context, config: ModuleConfig) => void;
type ModuleInstanceFunction = (ctx: Context, config: ModuleConfig) => void;

interface ModuleExport {
  name?: string;
  main?: ModuleInstanceFunction;
  Main?: ModuleInstanceClass;
  default?: ModuleInstanceFunction | ModuleInstanceClass;
  inject?: string[];
  config?: ModuleConfig;

interface EventDataModule {
  instance: ModuleExport | string | ModuleInstanceFunction | ModuleInstanceClass;

/* index.ts */
function plugin1(ctx: Context) {
  ctx.logger.debug('plugin1 loaded');

export function main(ctx: Context) {
  // output: module(main plugin) loaded
  ctx.on('read_module', (data: EventDataModule) => {
    if (data.instance === main) ctx.logger.debug('module(main plugin) loaded');
    else if (data.instance === plugin1) ctx.logger.debug('plugin1(sub plugin) loaded');
  ctx.load(plugin1); // output: plugin1(sub plugin) loaded

export const config = Tsu.Object({
  value: Tsu.String()

// Others

export function main(ctx: Context, cfg: Tsu.infer<typeof config>) {
  ctx.logger.debug(ctx.identity, cfg.value); // my-project here is a string
  const subCfg = {
    value: 233
    name: 'plugin1',
    main: (subCtx: Context, cfg: typeof 233) => {
      subCtx.logger.debug(subCtx.identity, cfg.value); // plugin1 233

šŸ“œ Reference

Kotori Bot is a chatbot framework,its core depends on Fluoro, and is a fine reference to help you build your own framework.