1.0.2 • Published 2 years ago

fm-primes v1.0.2

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Last release
2 years ago

Prime Numbers

Run npm run fm-primes and by requiring it, you can work with it. The main file is primeTextWay.js, but you can require other js files. For python one, you can check inside node_modules and copy all the files inside prime-py into your root file and then you can use them. You can create prime files by using this way, but you do not have access to the existing prime-output or prime-output-big folders. But you can use allPrimesSecondWay ,primeInRangeObjTextWay, or primeInRangeObj methods to create prime-output folder.

Or you can run mv ./node_modules/fm-primes/prime-output . and mv ./node_modules/fm-primes/prime-output-big .. Even if you want, you can run mv ./node_modules/fm-primes . and it will give you all the files. and you can use them.

The point is: by just requiring it, you do not have access to prime-output or prime-output-big folder. You can create files by your own using allPrimesSecondWay ,primeInRangeObjTextWay, or primeInRangeObj methods.


  • On this folder, there is another Readme

  • Different ways for dealing with prime numbers.

  • The output of each js file can be executed using node. The prime files output can be saved on prime-output folder. (if you run it from root, otherwise it will be saved on the path that you run it. Then better to for example run node ./prime-js/primeTextWay.js)

  • Javascript can not deal with big number. By big numbers I mean any numbers bigger than 9007199254740991. Always need to check the number and if it works on that number. ( how? easy: run num + 1 == num and if it is true, it means js can not deal with it). One example is primeSixthWay.js. There are some lines that need to square a number, and that will make some issues.

  • To deal with JS limitation on big numbers, you can use prime-js-big-numbers which will work with mathOperation.js which can deal with big numbers. Or you can work with python on prime-py folder.


  • On this folder, there is another Readme

  • Different ways for dealing with prime numbers.

  • The output of primeString.js file can be executed using node. The prime files output can be saved on prime-output-big folder. (if you run it from root, otherwise it will be saved on the path that you run it. Then better to for example run node ./prime-js-big-numbers/primeString.js)

  • Javascript can not deal with big number. By big numbers I mean any numbers bigger than 9007199254740991. Always need to check the number and if it works on that number. ( how? easy: run num + 1 == num and if it is true, it means js can not deal with it). This folder is to deal and work with big numbers on js. (Better to work with prime-py)


  • On this folder, there is another Readme

  • Different ways for dealing with prime numbers.

  • The output of primeString.js file can be executed using python3. The prime files output can be saved on prime-output folder. (if you run it from root, otherwise it will be saved on the path that you run it. Then better to for example run python3 prime-py/primeTextWay.py)


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago