1.0.3 • Published 3 years ago

fm-synthesis v1.0.3

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3 years ago

FM Synthesis

Have single-channel frequency sample data? Want single-channel audio PCM data?

That's what this package does.

fm-synthesis exports 5 functions:

  • fromFreq: takes a single input buffer of instantaneous frequency shift samples, with constant amplitude.
  • fromPaired: takes a pair of input buffers with instantaneous frequency and amplitude data.
  • fromInterlaced: takes a single input buffer with interlaced frequency, amplitude samples.
  • fromSignalFn: takes a function which, given a sampling time, returns a frequency, amplitude pair.
  • fromIterable: takes an iterable which yields frequency, amplitude pairs.

The common inputs to all of these functions are as follows:

interface BasicInput {
    // Samples per second for both input and output.
    sampleRate: number;
    // Initial phase offset. Defaults to zero.
    phase?: number;
    // The base, carrier, or fundamental frequency to be modulated. Defaults to zero.
    base?: number;
    // Offset at which to begin reading data. Defaults to zero.
    start?: number;
    // Offset at which to stop reading data. Defaults the the minimum of the length of the input buffers.
    end?: number;
    // Optional pre-allocated buffer into which to write the generated samples.
    output?: FMOutputArray;
    // Optional offset in the output buffer at which to start writing. Defaults to zero.
    // This also applies to internally-allocated output buffers, and will increase their length.
    offset?: number;
    // Waveform function. For best results, `voice` should have a natural period of 2Pi, and a range of -1 to 1. Defaults to Math.sin(t).
    voice?: ((t: number) => number) | 'sine' | 'square' | 'triangle' | 'sawtooth';

All frequency inputs are intepreted as linear frequency shifts from the base carrier frequency. If no base is provided, or it is explicitly set to zero, then the frequency inputs represent actual absolute frequency values, in Hz.

Each of these functions returns an [output, phase] pair, where output is a buffer of the actual output PCM samples, and phase is the accumulated phase shift across the output; this can be used for matching the endpoints of sequentially-computed buffers. If a pre-allocated buffer is not provided, a new Float32Array will be allocated.

Note that, in principle, negative modulation frequencies are possible. However, if negative frequency samples are provided, the maximum negative magnitude should not exceed base/depth. Depth may also be negative, which will simply invert all of the frequency samples.

If the range of data to be read exceeds the capacity of a pre-allocated output buffer (or the len capacity specified for fromIterable), each function will automatically terminate when the end of the output buffer is reached, rather than trying to write past the end.

Detailed individual types are as follows:

type FMSynthFreqInput = {
    frequency: ArrayLike<number>;
    amplitude?: number; // Defaults to one.
} & BasicInput;

function fromFreq(inputs: FMSynthFreqInput): [output: ArrayLike<number>, phase: number];
type FMSynthPairInput = {
    frequency: ArrayLike<number>;
    amplitude: ArrayLike<number>;
} & BasicInput;

function fromPaired(inputs: FMSynthPairInput): [output: ArrayLike<number>, phase: number];
type FMSynthInterlacedInput = {
    data: ArrayLike<number>;
} & BasicInput;

function fromInterlaced(inputs: FMSynthInterlacedInput): [output: ArrayLike<number>, phase: number];

In all of these cases, it is safe to re-use input buffers for output.

type FMSynthFunctionInput = {
  signal(t: number): [frequency: number, amplitude: number];
} & ({
  end: number;
  output?: FMOutputArray;
} | {
  output: FMOutputArray;
  end?: number;
}) & BasicInput;

function fromSignalFn(inputs: FMSynthFunctionInput): [output: ArrayLike<number>, phase: number];

Note that for fromSignalFn, at least one of end and output must be specified in the inputs, since an endpoint cannot be inferred from the data source.

type FMSynthIterableInput = {
  signal: Iterable<[frequency: number, amplitude: number]>;
} & ({
  len: number;
  output?: FMOutputArray;
} | {
  output: FMOutputArray;
  len?: number
}) & BasicInput;

function fromIterable(input: FMSynthIterableInput): [output: ArrayLike<number>, phase: number];

Note that for fromIterable, if a pre-allocated output buffer is not specified, then an additional len parameter must be provided to allow internally allocating a sufficiently-large output buffer, as length cannot be determined from an arbitrary iterable.

See src/test.ts for usage examples.