1.0.2 • Published 8 years ago
fnaim-attractivite-data v1.0.2
First install all dependencies
$ npm install
We need to transform csv data in json first :
$ csvtojson --noheader=false --headers=['"type"','"insee"','"nom"','"c1"','"c2"','"c3"','"c4"','"c5"','"c6"','"c7"','"c8"','"c9"','"c10"','"c11"','"c12"','"c0"','"cost"'] --delimiter=\; ./data/attractivite.csv > data/attractivite.json
Data comes from data.gouv.fr in a zip file with .shp, .dbf and others files It covers the whole French territories.
Geojson conversion
To convert .shp and .dbf files the better tool I've found is the web tool http://gipong.github.io/shp2geojson.js/
It exports to geojson with properties filled. I didn't find a way with mapshaper to export both .shp and .dbf in a single file. But I've certainly missed an option.
I'm only interested in building a map with cities from a few departments so I need a way to filter the data.
$ npm run build
Will create both communes.geojson and departments.geojson.
Every department communes will be merged in a geojson file communes-<dept>.geojson
8 years ago