1.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

fonctional-object v1.1.0

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5 years ago


Fonctional Object

This module adds functional methods and some useful methods on objects and arrays. Each function can be rewritten so as not to block any other library. It is also important to indicate that no method uses another method defined by this library other than itself.


Install the package with npm :

npm install fonctional-object --save

Import the package in your project :


The methods are directly added to the prototypes of Object and Array.

Summary of methods



entryCallbackArray (value, key, array)

Params :

  • value (*) - The current value of the array entry.
  • key (Number) - The current key of the array entry.
  • array (Array) - The array that contains the value.


entryCallbackObject (value, key, object)

Params :

  • value (*) - The current value of the object entry.
  • key (Number) - The current key of the object entry.
  • object (Object) - The object that contains the value.

Array methods


const array = [10, "test"];
const clone = array.clone ();

array[0] = 20;

// Value of array and clone at this point :
// array : [20, "test"]
// clone : [10, "test"]

Create a deep clone of the array.

Returns : Array


const key = (v) => v;
const value = (v, k) => k;

const array = [10, "test"];
const object = array.toObject(key, value) // {"10": 0, "test": 1}

Transforms the array into an object.

Params :

  • key (entryCallbackArray) - A callback that give the key.
  • value (entryCallbackArray) optional - A callback that give the value. The default value return simply the value of the entry.

Returns : Object

Object methods


const object = {test: 10};
const clone = object.clone();

object.test = "hello";

// The value of object and clone at this point :
// object : {test: "hello"}
// clone : {test: 10}

Create a deep clone of the object.

Returns : Object


const object = {test: 10, hello: 20};
const success = object.every((value) => value >= 10); // True
const failure = object.every((value) => value >= 20); // False

Check if each entry of an object respect a callback.

Params :

  • callback (entryCallbackObject) - The callback for each entry of the object.
  • thisArg Optional - The value for this in the callback.

Returns : Boolean


const object = {test: {hello: 10}};
const num = object.find("test.hello"); // 10
const und = object.find("test.good"); // Undefined

Finds an element in the object. Use a dot for the recursion.

Params :

  • key (String) - The key of the element.

Returns : *


const num = 0;
const object = {test: 10, hello: 20};

object.forEach((value, key) => num += value + key.length);
// At this point, num = 39

Execute a callback on each entry of the object.

Params :

  • callback (entryCallbackObject) - The callback for each entry of the object.
  • thisArg Optional - The value for this in the callback.


const object = {test: {hello: 10}};
const num = object.find("test.hello"); // True
const und = object.find("test.good"); // False

Check the existence of an element in the object. Use a dot for the recursion.

Params :

  • key (String) - The key of the element.

Returns : Boolean


const object_1 = {};
const object_2 = {test: 10};

object_1.isEmpty // True
object_2.isEmpty // False

Indicates if the object is empty or not. It's not a function.


const object_1 = {};
const object_2 = {test: 10};

object_1.length // 0
object_2.length // 1

Gets the number of element in the object. It's not a function.


const key = (value) => value;
const value = (value, key) => key;

const object = {test: "t", hello: "h"};
const obj = object.map(value, key); // {t: "test", h: "hello"}

Create a new object from this object.

Params :

  • value (entryCallbackObject) - The callback for the key.
  • key (entryCallbackObject) optional - The callback for the key. The default value return simply the key of the entry.
  • thisArgValue Optional - The value for this in the value callback.
  • thisArgKey Optional - The value for this in the key callback.

Returns : Object


const object = {test: 10, hello: 20};
const success = object.some((value) => value >= 20); // True
const failure = object.some((value) => value >= 30); // False

Check if at least one entry of an object respect a callback.

Params :

  • callback (entryCallbackObject) - The callback for each entry of the object.
  • thisArg Optional - The value for this in the callback.

Returns : Boolean



This version defines the filter method for objects as well as the possibility to specify a value for this for every, some, map, forEach and filter methods.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago


5 years ago