0.3.11 • Published 10 years ago

footon v0.3.11

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10 years ago
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footon is a simple file-system based JSON store with querying, with support for remote connections.

what footon is good for

At it's core, footon is a JavaScript interface for creating organized collections of JSON documents on the filesystem. It's a simple psuedo-database that could be ideal for packaged applications with the need to persist small amounts of data between sessions. Once a "collection" is read, it's contents are stored in memory. It is a lightweight solution for applications needing to remember user configuration or other data.


Using Node Package Manager

$ npm install footon -g

basic usage

Using database named "music", create a new collection of "playlists" and save a playlist document to it.

// require footon and select the music database
var footon = require('footon')
  , music = footon('music');

// create a playlist document
var punkrock = {
	name : 'Punk Rock',
	songs : [
			artist : 'Bad Religion', 
			album : 'How Could Hell Be Any Worse?', 
			track : 'F*** Armageddon, This Is Hell' 
			artist : 'Minor Threat', 
			album : 'Minor Threat EP', 
			track : 'Seeing Red'
	rating : 5

// when the database is ready, get the playlists collection
// and save our playlist document to it
music.on('ready', function() {
	var playlists = music.get('playlists');

Now we can use the playlist and operate on it.

	artist : 'Dead Kennedys', 
	album : 'Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables', 
	track : 'I Kill Children'

To commit your changes to disk, call Collection.save()

playlists.save(function(err) {
	console.log(err || 'Changes saved!');

Every document has a __id property, which can be used to target it directly using the find() method.

playlists.find({ __id : '42' }); // returns single document
// this works too!
playlists.find('42'); // returns single document

You can also use this method to query documents, by passing in other properties to be matched. There is also support for "or"-style queries, by passing an array of objects to query against.

playlists.find({ rating : 5 }); // returns array of documents with a rating of 5

Public API

footon(database_name String)

Returns an instance of footon.Database and populates it. If an existing database does not exist, it is created.
Inherits from EventEmitter.

var myDatabase = footon('myDatabase');

myDatabase.on('ready', function() {
	// do stuff here

footon.createServer(port Number, onReady Function)

Returns an instance of footon.Server.

footon.createConnection(host String, port Number, user String, pass String)

Returns an instance of Connection.

Command Line Interface

Footon comes with the footon command line program. This program allows you to query your databases from the command line as well as start the Footon Server. This exposes a REST api allowing remote requests to query the database as well as allowing remote applications to use footon over a socket connection via an identical API.

The default port is 3333. REST API listens on the next port up (3334). If you tell footon to listen on 8080, the REST API will listen on 8081.


For more details usage information do:

$ footon --help

To query the collection "test" in database "test" do:

$ footon -d test -c test -q {"name":"Gordon"}

This would print a list of document where name is "Gordon".

Footon Server

To start the server on the default port:

$ footon -d <database> -S

This will start the server and respond to requests with JSON or JSONP (if a callback parameter is specified in the request). Below is an example request to perform the same query above remotely.

Request URL : http://localhost:3334/<database>/<collection>?query={"prop":"val"}
Request Method : GET

Using a Remote Footon Server

The footon API is almost exactly the same when connecting to a remote server. The difference is in how you obtain the Database instance.

var connection = footon.createConnection('', 3333);

connection.on('ready', function(db) { // callback gets a ready Database instance
	var test = db.get('test');
		addedRemotely : true,
		date : new Date().toDateString()
	// update remote database manually
	// automatically happens when the connection closes

Class Reference



Loads the database collections into memory. Emits a "ready" event when finished.

Database.get(collection_name String)

Returns an existing Collection or creates a new one.


Deletes database from disk.

Database.init(callback Function)

Initializes a Git repository for the database. Automatically called on instantiation if uninitialized.

Database.versions(callback Function)

Passes an array of commits to the callback.

Database.rollback(hash String, callback Function)

Resets the database back to a specific version based on the commit hash.


Collection.find(query Object)

Returns an array of matched documents from the collection. If an array of object is passed, they are queried against "$or"-style. This method is recursive and will query sub-objects and arrays.

Collection.add(document Object)

Returns a Document from the object passed and passes callback to Collection.save() which is called automatically.

Collection.save(callback Function, sync Boolean)

Writes the current state of the collection to disk, then fires the passed callback if it exists. Defaults to asynchronous, but will perform synchronous write if sync is set to true. All collections are written synchronously to disk on process.exit.



Removes the document from it's collection.



Starts the query server on the specified port. Defaults to 3333.


Sets up REST API routing. Automatically called on instantiation.


Handles incoming data from remote client.



Closes the connection with the remote server.


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