0.0.0 • Published 9 years ago

ford-summer-sales-event-2015 v0.0.0

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9 years ago

#Ford Summer Sales Event 2015

Lead Gen with Marketing Associates and Twitter Integration.

Generated with Yeoman on 2015-08-26 using generator-igniter5 1.1.5

##Quickstart ###Prerequisites: npm, bower

npm install && bower install

###Install Dependencies

gruntnpm install -g grunt-cli
sassgem install sass
sass-globbinggem install sass-globbing
bourbongem install bourbon
bittersgem install bitters



The most commonly used task, running serve will:

  • Wipe out the contents of the serve/ directory
  • Build the uncompressed application files.
    • index.html is preprocessed for environmental specific config
    • Reading form config.json script and style tags are injected
    • Page data is injected from data.json
    • All modules are run through the JSX transformer with *-test.js files ignored
    • The Browserify (via grunt-browserify) build tool bundles all modules together
    • Sass is compiled to CSS
    • Fonts and images are copied over to the serve directory
  • The development server is started
  • Files are watched for changes


The package task will:

  • Run unit tests with jest-cli, or skip them if the --skip-tests option is used. Handy for when you want to quickly package your config.json for proof-of-concept demonstration for clients without having to wait for tests to finish.
  • Build uncompressed application files.
  • Optimize the build files.
  • Copy the optimized files and other assets to the dist directory.
  • Copy config.json to the dist directory.
  • Copy index.html to the dist directory. (Useful for debugging, as this creates a self-contained, path-relative page bundle which can be served directly from S3. The index.html is not actually used by the production server).
  • Create gzipped versions of everything in dist/assets

After running package, the template should be ready for upload directly to S3.

##Tests Unit tests are supported with Jest and the jest-cli module. Run the native jest-cli test with:

npm test

There is also a grunt task for running tests, which is bundled into the grunt package task:

grunt shell:test


####Browserify Shim Support for Third-Party Modules To use third-party javascript modules (installed with bower or npm) that do not conform with the CommonJS module definition, use the Browserify Shim feature of this template by following these steps:

  1. Install the module, e.g. with bower install --save <name of module>.
  2. (Optional) Create an alias for the module by adding an entry in the "browser" field of package.json where the key represents the alias and the value represents the relative path to the javascript file. If you choose to opt-out of creating an alias, then you will have to use the full relative path to the javascript file, relative to the location of package.json.
  3. If the module needs a shim (i.e. it does not conform to the CommonJS module definition), then open up app/modules/config.js and add an entry to the exported object that defines the necessary dependencies that it needs with the depends property (see the comments in app/modules/config.js for more information).