1.0.2 • Published 9 years ago

forewarn v1.0.2

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9 years ago


Scoped and styled warning logger. Best used sparingly, forewarn writes a message to console unless a condition is falsy or NODE_ENV is production. It's meant to advise consumers of your module when some argument is invalid, but you have an alternative code path to follow. Meaning: instead of throwing an error and breaking the flow, you adapt, and through forewarn, you help developers prevent the situation in the future.

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This module is adapted from React's warning function:

Similar to invariant but only logs a warning if the condition is not met. This can be used to log issues in development environments in critical paths. Removing the logging code for production environments will keep the same logic and follow the same code paths.

Differences from React's warning:

  • Scoped like debug
  • The warning message is styled if the execution environment is Chrome, Electron, Firefox with Firebug or Node.js
  • The condition argument has flipped polarity and is made explicit (because it's easier to read IMHO):
    • warn.when(3 !== 3, 'Three should be three') reads as "warn if 3 does not equal 3"
    • warn('Three should be three') always warns.
  • Arguments are passed to console.warn as is, so you can use all modifiers (depending on environment) instead of just %s and an arbitrary number of extra arguments.


const warn = require('forewarn')('my-module')

let path = ['a', 'b']
  , length = path.length
  , minimum = 3

warn.when( length < minimum
         ,'Ignoring invalid path %o because length %d is less than %d'
         , path, length, minimum )


warn = forewarn(scope)

Create a warn function. Messages will be prefixed with the string scope (usually the name of your module). Returns a noop in production.

warn(format, ...args)

Log a warning.

warn.when(condition, format, ...args)

Log a warning if condition is truthy.


With npm do:

npm install forewarn


MIT © Vincent Weevers


9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago