forge-model-uploader v1.0.0
The following project is a demonstration of the use of the Forge API Node package module to recreate the following workflow.
- Create a 2-legged authentication token
- Create a bucket (an arbitrary space to store objects)
- Get a list of all available buckets
- Upload a file to the bucket
- Prepare the file for displaying in the Viewer (translate the file into SVF format)
Steps to debug
Follow these instructions to get the app running locally:
> git clone <THIS-REPO>
> npm install
This will install all the neccesary dependencies the project has, which are specified in the package.json file, and also run you the steps speciefied before to get as a result the URN of your transalated file.
Now make a copy of the file provided in the repo
> cp
If using windows
> copy
Now you will need to go to the new created file and replace it with your own data in order to the use the sample. Once that is complete test the following so you make sure your data got correctly assigned to your ENV variables.
> source
> echo $FORGE_BUCKET_NAME // if you see your bucket name continue
npm start
If using Windows, unfortunately it does not have a built-in utility to support .sh files. To run such, you'll need to install a third-party tool such as Cygwin.
This URN can be used in the following project
This sample is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for full details.
Written by
Jaime Rosales D.
Forge Partner Development
Forge Developer Portal
7 years ago