1.0.5 ā€¢ Published 1 month ago

form-monaco-editor v1.0.5

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Last release
1 month ago


šŸŽ‰ version v1 support vue 2&3 now āœŒ

Use monaco-editor loaded from CDN in Vue 2&3, no need to configure plugins in webpack (or rollup, vite) and other packaging tools.

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English | ē®€ä½“äø­ę–‡

View Demo.

If you want to use monaco-editor as NPM Package to load monaco-editor files from node_modules to package into your code, you still need to Use the plugin for the packaging tool, viewed here.


npm i form-monaco-editor

Vue <= 2.6.14 requires @vue/composition-api to be installed.

npm i form-monaco-editor @vue/composition-api

Of course, you can also use unpkg.


Register the component.

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { install as VueMonacoEditorPlugin } from 'form-monaco-editor'

const app = createApp(App)
app.use(VueMonacoEditorPlugin, {
  paths: {
    // The recommended CDN config
    vs: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/monaco-editor@0.38.0/min/vs'

And then, use it.



<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref, shallowRef } from 'vue'

  automaticLayout: true,
  formatOnType: true,
  formatOnPaste: true,

const code = ref('// some code...')
const editorRef = shallowRef()
const handleMount = editor => (editorRef.value = editor)

// your action
function formatCode() {

Diff Editor

    original="// the original code"
    modified="// the modified code"

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref, shallowRef } from 'vue'

const OPTIONS = {
  automaticLayout: true,
  formatOnType: true,
  formatOnPaste: true,
  readOnly: true,

const diffEditorRef = shallowRef()
const handleMount = diffEditor => (diffEditorRef.value = diffEditor)

// get the original value
function getOriginalValue() {
  return diffEditorRef.value.getOriginalEditor().getValue()

// get the modified value
function getOriginalValue() {
  return diffEditorRef.value.getModifiedEditor().getValue()

Props & Events & slots


valuestringvalue of the current model, can use v-model:valuev-model:value
languagestringall language of the current modellanguages supported by monaco-editor, view here
pathstringpath to the current model
defaultValuestringdefault value of the current model
defaultLanguagestringdefault language of the current modellanguages supported by monaco-editor view here
defaultPathstringdefault path of the current modelmonaco.editor.createModel(..., ..., monaco.Uri.parse(defaultPath))
themevs | vs-darkvsthe theme for the monaco editor.
linenumbernumber of lines to jump to
saveViewStatebooleantruesave the view state of the model (scroll position, etc.) after model changesa unique path needs to be configured for each model
widthnumber | string100%container width
heightnumber | string100%container height
classNamestringcontainer class name
onBeforeMount(monaco: Monaco) => voidexecute before the editor instance is created
onMount(editor: monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor, monaco: Monaco) => voidexecute after the editor instance has been created
onChange(value: string \| undefined, event: monaco.editor.IModelContentChangedEvent) => voidexecute when the changed value change
onValidate(markers: monaco.editor.IMarker[]) => voidexecute when a syntax error occursmonaco-editor supports syntax-checked languages view here
#defaultslot'loading...'loading statuswhen loading files from CDN, displaying the loading status will be more friendly

Diff Editor

originalstringThe original source value (left editor)
modifiedstringThe modified source value (right editor)
languagestringLanguage for the both models - original and modified (all languages that are supported by monaco-editor)
originalLanguagestringThis prop gives you the opportunity to specify the language of the original source separately, otherwise, it will get the value of the language property.
modifiedLanguagestringThis prop gives you the opportunity to specify the language of the modified source separately, otherwise, it will get the value of language property.
originalModelPathstringPath for the "original" model. Will be passed as a third argument to .createModel method - monaco.editor.createModel(..., ..., monaco.Uri.parse(originalModelPath))
modifiedModelPathstringPath for the "modified" model. Will be passed as a third argument to .createModel method - monaco.editor.createModel(..., ..., monaco.Uri.parse(modifiedModelPath))
themevs | vs-dark | stringvs (vs theme equals light theme)The theme for the monaco editor. Define new themes by monaco.editor.defineTheme.
widthnumber | string100%Container width
heightnumber | string100%Container height
classNamestringContainer class name
onBeforeMount(monaco: Monaco) => voidExecute before the editor instance is created
onMount(editor: monaco.editor.IStandaloneDiffEditor, monaco: Monaco) => voidExecute after the editor instance has been created
#defaultslot'loading...'Loading status


useMonaco use @monaco-editor/loader to load monaco-editor from the CDN.

  <div ref="containerRef"></div>

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref, onUnmounted, watchEffect, nextTick } from 'vue'
import { useMonaco } from 'form-monaco-editor'

const containerRef = ref()
const { monacoRef, unload } = useMonaco()

// watch once
const stop = watchEffect(() => {
  if (monacoRef.value && containerRef.value) {
    nextTick(() => stop())
    monacoRef.value.editor.create(containerRef.value, { ... })

  When the component will be unmount,
  If the monaco instance is not successfully loaded,
  You need to manually unload.
onUnmounted(() => !monacoRef.value && unload())


vue-monaco-editor use @monaco-editor/loader to load the monaco-editor from the CDN(the loading process of loader is asynchronous).

The configuration of loader is global, only to be configured once.

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { install as VueMonacoEditorPlugin } from 'form-monaco-editor'

const app = createApp(App)
app.use(VueMonacoEditorPlugin, {
  paths: {
    // The recommended CDN config
    vs: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/monaco-editor@0.38.0/min/vs'
import { loader } from "form-monaco-editor"

// loaded from CDN
  paths: {
    vs: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/monaco-editor@0.38.0/min/vs'

// configurable for different languages
loader.config({ "vs/nls": { availableLanguages: { "*": "de" } } })

// or
  paths: {
    vs: "...",
  "vs/nls" : {
    availableLanguages: {
      "*": "de",

NPM Package

If you want to use monaco-editor as NPM Package to load monaco-editor files from node_modules to package into your code, you still need to use the plugin for the packaging tool.

import * as monaco from "monaco-editor"
import { loader } from "form-monaco-editor"

// loaded monaco-editor from `node_modules`
loader.config({ monaco })


If you use vite, you need to do this (see #1791 (comment) for details).

import { loader } from "form-monaco-editor"

import * as monaco from "monaco-editor"
import editorWorker from "monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.worker?worker"
import jsonWorker from "monaco-editor/esm/vs/language/json/json.worker?worker"
import cssWorker from "monaco-editor/esm/vs/language/css/css.worker?worker"
import htmlWorker from "monaco-editor/esm/vs/language/html/html.worker?worker"
import tsWorker from "monaco-editor/esm/vs/language/typescript/ts.worker?worker"

self.MonacoEnvironment = {
  getWorker(_, label) {
    if (label === "json") {
      return new jsonWorker()
    if (label === "css" || label === "scss" || label === "less") {
      return new cssWorker()
    if (label === "html" || label === "handlebars" || label === "razor") {
      return new htmlWorker()
    if (label === "typescript" || label === "javascript") {
      return new tsWorker()
    return new editorWorker()

loader.config({ monaco })


If you use Rollup, you can use the community provided plugin rollup-plugin-monaco-editor.


If you use webpack, monaco-editor officially provides the webpack plugin monaco-editor-webpack-plugin, which you can use.


MonacoVue is made possible thanks to the inspirations from the following projects:




1 month ago


6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago


8 months ago