0.0.3 • Published 6 years ago

form.l v0.0.3

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6 years ago


utility functions for forms, including functions, formatters, normalizers, sanitizers, sorters, and validations.


diff(baseObj = object, targetObj = object) - deep difference between two objects. Uses lodash's transform, isEqual, isObject.

import ifValidText from 'form.l/lib/functions/ifValidText'

const objA = {a: 1, b: { c: 1, d: 0 }, e: 0}
const objB = {a: 1, b: { c: 1, d: 1 }, e: 1}

const objC = diff(objA, objB)  // => { b: { d: 1 }, e: 1 }

ifValidText(text = str, arr = func) - returns function(txt). if array of functions are true , it returns defined text, else it returns undefined. Useful for validation functions.

import ifValidText from 'form.l/lib/functions/ifValidText'

const includesText = (txt) => txt.includes('Match me.')
const isThisText = (txt) => txt === 'Match me.'
const validIncludeText = ifValidText('I include text.', [includesText])
const validText = ifValidText('I'm valid.', [includesText, isThisText])

const result = validIncludeText('Match me. Match you.') // => "I include text."
const result2 = validText('Match me.') // => "I'm valid."
const result3 = validText('Match me. Match you.') // => undefined


Formatters in this context, formats string and returns it.

includePrefix(prefix = string) - returns function(str) to add prefix to beginning of str. Useful for currency.

import includePrefix from 'form.l/lib/formatters/includePrefix'

const currencyPrefix = includePrefix('$')

const result = currencyPrefix('100') // => '$100'

includeSuffix(suffix = string) - returns function(str) to add suffix to end of str. Useful for percentages.

import includeSuffix from 'form.l/lib/formatters/includeSuffix'

const percentagePrefix = includeSuffix('$')

const result = percentagePrefix('100') // => '100%'


Parsers parse strings, returning a string that conforms to a certain pattern.

regFind(rgx, num = 0) - returns function(str) to parse string with regex. Use num to tell function which array index should be returned.

import regFind from 'form.l/lib/parsers/regFind'

const trimZeros = regFind(/^0*(\d*)/,  1)

const result = trimZeros('00001111mmm') // => '1111'

regReplace(rgx, str = '') - returns function(str) to replace strings with regex. Use str to tell function what to replace found matches with.

import regReplace from 'form.l/lib/parsers/regReplace'

const trimZeros = regReplace(/^0*(\d*)/,  'h')

const result = trimZeros('00001111mmm') // => 'hmmm'


Sanitizers are functions to clean data, either while getting from database to use in a form, or to ready data for posting to a database.


Sorters are functions to sort list arrays.

sortRegex(rgx, min = 0, max = 0, func) - returns function(arr = [], order = 'asc') for sorting to apply func to sliced matches of the regex. Useful to apply

import sortRegex from 'form.l/lib/sorters/sortRegex'

import toNumber from 'lodash/toNumber'
import padStart from 'lodash/padStart'

const ltrNum = new RegExp(/(\D*)(\d*)/, 'i')
const sortTxtandNum = a => a.map(m => (isNaN(toNumber(m)) ? m : padStart(m, 4, '0'))).join('')

export const sortStateAreas = sortRegex(ltrNum, 1, 3, sortTxtandNum)

const result = sortStateAreas(['CA11', 'BC02', 'BC01', 'CB01']) // => ['BC01', 'BC02', 'CA11', 'CB01']


Validations will return a boolean if data is valid. Used mostly to validate field data, but might be used across form data.

ifBlank(str) - returns true if str is blank ('').

import ifBlank from 'form.l/lib/validations/ifBlank'

const result = ifBlank('') // => true
const result2 = ifBlank('true') // => false

ifRegex(rgx) - returns function(str) that returns true if rgx finds a match within str.

import ifRegex from 'form.l/lib/validations/ifRegex'

const ltrnum = ifRegex(/(\D*)(\d*)/) // => true

const result = ltrnum('CA10') // => true
const result2 = ltrnum('10CA') // => false

ifYear(year, range = 0) - returns function(str) if str is a year between 'year' and 'year plus range'.

import ifYear from 'form.l/lib/validations/ifYear'

const year2000 = ifYear(2000, 1) // => true

const result = year2000('10/11/2000') // => true
const result2 = year2000('10/11/2001') // => false

6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago