0.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

formality-core-stdlib v0.1.0

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5 years ago


Formality is a proof and programming language, as well as a standard format for algorithms and proofs. It exists to fill a hole in the current market: there aren't many programming languages featuring theorem proving that are 1. portable, 2. efficient, 3. accessible.

Portability makes it available everywhere, like a JSON of code. We accomplish that by bootstrapping: we design a minimal core that can be quickly implemented anywhere, and build the rest of the language on top of it.

Efficiency is required if we want the language to be used for production software. We accomplish that by compiling Formality to a massively parallel, non-garbage-collected, Lévy-optimal functional runtime.

Accessibility makes it usable by regular developers, not just experts. We accomplish it by translating advanced concepts to familiar syntaxes that resembles popular languages and takes inspiration from the Zen of Python.

0. Table of Contents

1. Formality-Core

Formality-Core is the minimal core behind Formality. If you see Formality as a programming language, then Core is the minimal amount of features required to derive everything else as libraries. If you see it as a proof language, then Core is the set of axioms from which all of mathematics derive. On this section, we'll specify it informally. Reference implementations using popular languages are provided later.

1.0.0. Syntax

Formality-Core programs are split as modules (Module), each module containing a number of definitions, each definition containing 2 expressions (Term), one for its type and one for its value, each expression containing a number of variables, references and other terms. The syntax of a Term is defined as follows:

NAMEVara variable
NAMERefa reference
TypeTyptype of types
TERM -> TERMAllfunction type (simple)
NAME(NAME : TERM) -> TERMAllfunction type (dependent)
NAME<NAME : TERM> -> TERMAllfunction type (erased)
(NAME) => TERMLamdependent function value
<NAME> => TERMLamdependent function value (erased)
TERM(TERM)Appdependent function application
TERM<TERM>Appdependent function application (erased)
TERM :: TERMAnninline annotation

So, for example, Type is a valid term of variant Typ, (A : Type) -> Type is a valid term of variant All containing a two valid terms of variant Typ, foo(bar) is a valid term of variant App containing two valid terms of variant Ref. References and variables are both parsed as NAME, and desambiguated based on context. The syntax for a NAME is defined as a sequence of ASCII characters on the following set:

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _

In the reference implementations, terms and modules are represented with algebraic datatypes, when available, or as a JSON emulating a tagged union, when not. For example, in Haskell, we use data:


In Python and JavaScript, we use functions that return a JSON with the contained fields, and an additional "ctor" field to track the selected variant.

def Var(indx):
    return {
      "ctor": "Var",
      "indx": indx}

def Ref(name):
    return {
      "ctor": "Ref",
      "name": name}

def Typ():
    return {
      "ctor": "Typ"}

def All(eras, self, name, bind, body):
    return {
      "ctor": "All",
      "eras": eras,
      "self": self,
      "name": name,
      "bind": bind,
      "body": body}

def Lam(eras, name, body):
    return {
      "ctor": "Lam",
      "eras": eras,
      "name": name,
      "body": body}

def App(eras, func, argm):
    return {
      "ctor": "App",
      "eras": eras,
      "func": func,
      "argm": argm}

def Ann(expr, type, done):
    return {
      "ctor": "Typ",
      "done": done,
      "expr": expr,
      "type": type}

The Var variant represents a variable bound by a function value (Lam) or function type (All). It stores a number representing how many binders there are between its location and the location where it is bound.

The Ref variant represents a reference, which is the usage of a top-level definition. The name field stores the name of the referenced definition.

The All variant represents a function type, also known as an universal quantification, or "forall". The self field stores a name for the typed term. name field stores its bound variable name, the bind field stores the type of its argument, the body field stores its return type, and the eras field represents its computational relevance (more on that later).

The Lam variant represents a pure function, also known as a lambda. The name field stores its bound variable name, the body field stores its returned expression, and the eras field represents its computational relevance.

The App variant represents a function application. The func field stores the function to be applied, and the argm field stores the argument.

The Ann variant represents an inline type annotation. The expr field represents the annotated expression, and the type field represents its type.

As an example, the (a) => (b) => (c) => a(b)(c) term would be represented as:

  "ctor": "Lam",
  "name": "a",
  "body": {
    "ctor": "Lam",
    "name": "b",
    "body": {
      "ctor": "Lam",
      "name": "c",
      "body": {
        "ctor": "App",
        "func": {
          "ctor": "App",
          "func": {
            "ctor": "Var",
            "indx": 2
          "argm": {
            "ctor": "Var",
            "indx": 1
          "eras": false
        "argm": {
          "ctor": "Var",
          "indx": 0
        "eras": false
      "eras": false
    "eras": false
  "eras": false

And the (A : Type;) -> (x : A) -> A term would be represented as:

  "ctor": "All",
  "name": "A",
  "bind": {
    "ctor": "Typ"
  "body": {
    "ctor": "All",
    "name": "x",
    "bind": {
      "ctor": "Var",
      "indx": 0
    "body": {
      "ctor": "Var",
      "indx": 1
    "eras": false
  "eras": true

In reference implementations, parsing is done through a combination of small backtracking parsers that receive the code to be parsed and return either a pair with the leftover code and parsed value, or throw if the parser failed. The term parser is divided in two phases: first, a base term is parsed, including the variants Var, Typ, All, Lam, Slf, Ins and Eli. Afterwards, the term is extended by postfix parsers, including the variants App and Ann. Parsing involves subtle details that could differ among implementations. To prevent that, the reference implementations included should be considered the specification.

The syntax of a Module is defined as follows:

TERM : TERM <module>Defa top-level definition
<eof>Eofthe end of a module

Modules often coincide with files, so, the end of a module should be parsed as the end of the file. Whitespaces (newlines, tabs and spaces) are ignored. Here is an example module:

identity: <A: Type> -> A -> A
  <A> => (a) => a

const: <A: Type> -> <B : Type> -> A -> B -> B
  <A> => (a) => (b) => B

twice: <A: Type> -> (A -> A) -> A -> A
  <A> => (f) => (x) => f(f(x))

This module declares 3 top-level definitions, identity, const and apply_twice. The last definition has <A: Type> -> (A -> A) -> A -> A type and a (A) => (a) => a value. That value consists of an erased function ({A} => ...), that returns a function ((f) => ...), that returns a function ((x) => ...), that returns f applied two times to x.

In reference implementations, module are represented as lists of (name, type, term) unions. That is, in Python:

def Ext(head, tail):
    return {
      "ctor": "Ext",
      "head": head,
      "tail": tail}

def Nil():
    return {
      "ctor": "Nil"}

def Def(name, type, term):
    return {
      "ctor": "Def",
      "name": name,
      "type": type,
      "term": term}

Here, Nil and Ext are list constructors. Nil() represents an empty list, and Ext(x)(xs) represents the list xs extended with the x value.

1.0.1. Evaluation

Formality-Core is, essentially, the Lambda Calculus, which is just a fancy name for the subset of JavaScript and Python that has only functions. Its only primitive operation is the beta-reduction, which is just a fancy name for "function application". It says that, to evaluate a term in the shape ((x) => <body>)(<argm>), one must replace every occurrence of x by <argm> in <body> in a name-capture-avoiding manner. Formally:

((x) => f)(a)
------------- beta-reduction
f[x <- a]

Evaluating Formality-Core programs means applying functions repeatedly until there is nothing left to do. That is a pure operation that can't output messages nor write files to disk; instead, it merely transforms an expression into another, not unlike calling eval in a JavaScript expression containing only numbers and arithmetic operations. As an example, ((x) => x(x))(y) is evaluated to y(y) after one beta-reduction. Since there are no more beta-reductions left, the evaluation is complete: it is in "normal form".

Substitution is the most delicate part of beta-reduction. It is technically simple, but can be tricky to get right due to "name capture". For example, the (x) => ((a) => (x) => a)(x) term, if reduced naively, would result in (x) => (x) => x, which would be wrong, since x was supposed to refer to the outermost (x) => lambda, not the innermost one. The right result would be (x) => (y) => x: the inner (x) => was renamed as (y) => to avoid the capture. If that process isn't clear, check the appendix for an overview of the Lambda Calculus.

Formality-Core doesn't define any evaluation order. It could be evaluated strictly as in JavaScripy and Python, lazily as in Haskell, or optimally through interaction nets. This subject will be covered on the Formality-Comp section.

The reference implementation of evaluation uses high-order abstract syntax (HOAS). That is, the syntax tree, usually stored as a JSON, is converted into a representation that uses functions for binders like Lam. For example, the term ((a) => (b) => b(a))(x => x), which would be represented as:

  "ctor": "App",
  "func": {
    "ctor": "Lam",
    "name": "a",
    "body": {
      "ctor": "Lam",
      "name": "b",
      "body": {
        "ctor": "App",
        "func": {"ctor": "Var", "name": "b"},
        "argm": {"ctor": "Var", "name": "a"}
  "func": {
    "ctor": "Lam",
    "name": "x",
    "body": {"ctor": "Var", "name": "x"}

Is converted into a new "high-order" format that uses native functions instead of variables:

  "ctor": "App",
  "func": {
    "ctor": "Lam",
    "name": "a",
    "body": a => {
      "ctor": "Lam",
      "name": "b",
      "body": b => {
        "ctor": "App",
        "func": b,
        "argm": a
  "func": {
    "ctor": "Lam",
    "name": "x",
    "body": x => x

It is then evaluated by finding redexes, that is, sub-terms in the shape:

{"ctor": "App", "func": {"ctor": "Lam", "body": x => <BODY>}, "argm": <ARGM>}

And replacing them by (x => <BODY>)(<ARGM>). The example above becomes:

  "ctor": "Lam",
  "name": "b",
  "body": b => {
    "ctor": "App",
    "func": b,
    "argm": {"ctor": "Lam", "name": "x", "body": x => x}

Which can then be converted back to a low-order term corresponding to (b) => b((x) => x), the normal form (result) of the example. Since this process uses native functions under the hoods, it is both fast and simple to implement. Note there are other ways to evaluate Formality-Core terms; this is just the one used on the reference implementations.

1.0.2. Type-Checking

Type-checking is the act of preventing runtime errors by statically checking that certain expectations hold. For example, if a function assumes an Int argument, calling it with a String would be incorrect. Without types, that would result in a (potentially disastrous) runtime bug. Type-checking would prevent it by statically asserting that all functions are called with the type of arguments they expect.

In Formality, types and programs coexist in the same level, there isn't a distinction between them. Types are not different from numbers or strings. They can be stored in tuples, returned from functions and so on. This flexibility gives it unrestricted static checking capabilities, allowing programmers to go as far as proving complex mathematical theorems about the runtime behavior of their programs, if they wish to.

For example, suppose you want to write a safe division function. In untyped languages, you could do it as:

function safe_div(a, b) {
  // Prevents non-numeric dividends
  if (typeof a !== "number") {
    throw "Dividend is not a number.";

  // Prevent non-numeric divisors
  if (typeof a !== "number") {
    throw "Divisor is not a number.";

  // Prevents division by zero
  if (b === 0) {
    throw "Attempted to divide by zero.";

  return a / b;

While this prevents divisions of strings, or division by zero, it does so through runtime checks. There would not only be extra costs, but the program would still crash if the caller of safe_div didn't treat the exceptions. Most statically typed languages such as TypeScript allow us to do better:

function safe_div(a : Number, b : Number): Number {
  // Prevents division by zero
  if (b === 0) {
    throw "Attempted to divide by zero.";

  return a / b;

Here, a and b are statically checked to be numbers, so we don't need to check their types at runtime. Writing safe_div("foo","bar") would be a compile-time error and never go undetected to production. Problem is, we still need to check if b is zero. That's because the type-system of TypeScript (and most statically typed languages) has an expressivity barrier that doesn't allow it to reason about values of computations. Fixing that lack of expressivity is the main benefit of merging types and values on the same level. In Formality, we could write:

safe_div(a : Number, b : NonZero(Number)): Number
  a / b

Here, NonZero(Number) would be statically, symbolically checked to be different from zero. No runtime checks would be needed, no runtime errors would be possible, and calling safe_div incorrectly would be immediately reported as a compile error. In a similar fashion, we could use types to express arbitrarily precise invariants and expectations, allowing us to go as far as proving mathematical theorems about the behavior of our programs. Of course, all this power is optional: one can use Formality as TypeScript by simply writting less precise types.

Formality's type system is brief and can be described in one page:

x : T ∈ ctx
------------ variable
ctx |- x : T

----------- type in type
Type : Type

ctx, s : self        |- A : Type
ctx, s : self, x : A |- B : Type
-------------------------------- self dependent function type
s(x : A) -> B : Type

ctx, x : A[s <- self] |- t : B
------------------------------ self dependent function value
(x) => t : x(x : A) -> B

ctx |- x : A[s <- f]
ctx |- f : s(x : A) -> B
------------------------ self dependent function application
f(x) : B[s <- f][x <- a]

TODO: explain those typing rules in a way that is clear and understandable by someone with no type theory background.

(... to be continued ...)

6. Implementations

(Check the other files on this repository for the reference implementations. Those will be added to this paper when finished!)


5 years ago