1.0.4 • Published 2 years ago

formgp v1.0.4

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2 years ago


The simplest React form handler you can ever use. No components, just a simple hook that handles changes to your form values.

Wanted to use Formula1 or formulaone or Formula-One but those were taken. i cry 😭 😭 😭

Getting Started


# using npm
npm install formgp

# using yarn
yarn add formgp


formgp exports a simple useForm hook that accepts an initialValue and some validators that you want to use. It then provides you with a values object that has everything you need for that particular value:

  • value: The actual value
  • error: Was there an error
  • dirty: Is the value dirty or touched

And some event handlers so that anything you type gets reflected. The main change handler, aptly named handleChange doesn't work on magic glue where it reads a property on the element like name. Instead when you use it, you have to specify what field you want changed. For example:

<input onChange={handleChange('someprop')}>

Nice thing about this is that everything is typed, so you get that nice auto complete when you run write handleChange

Let's go ahead with some examples.

Simple form

import { useForm } from 'formgp'

const MyForm = () => {
    const { values, handleChange } = useForm({ name: 'Daryl', nickName: 'Iceman'})
    return (


Handling other events apart from change

The Simple Form example only uses the onChange event, but if you want to handle other events like onBlur (we still only support this hehe, teehee), you can use the eventHandlers function instead. Uses the same concept as handleChange where you have to explicitly specify what property you want to handle.

Under the hood, we're really just appending an onChange and onBlur handler to your input.

import { useForm } from 'formgp'

const MyForm = () => {
    const { values, handleChange } = useForm({ name: 'Daryl', nickName: 'Iceman'})
    return (


Handling other events apart from change

The Simple Form example only uses the onChange event, but if you want to handle other events like onBlur (we still only support this hehe, teehee), you can use the eventHandlers function instead. Uses the same concept as handleChange where you have to explicitly specify what property you want to handle.

Under the hood, we're really just appending an onChange and onBlur handler to your input.

import { useForm } from 'formgp'

const MyForm = () => {
    const { values, handleChange } = useForm({ name: 'Daryl', nickName: 'Iceman'})
    return (


Running validations

You can inject some validators to your form properties via the validator parameter in useForm. Unlike other libraries that lets you validate the entire form, with formgp it's done per property.

const initialValue = {
    name: 'Daryl',
    favoriteNumber: 0

const validators = {
    // If for some reason you hate someone named Glenn, let's do some validation on that
    name: (val) => val === 'Glenn' ? 'No Glenn allowed' : undefined
    // If you insist they provide their favorite number
    favoriteNumber: (val) => !val ? 'Required' : undefined

const { values, handleChange } = useForm(initialValue, validators)

Let's use the snippet above, and show the errors below the input. Preferrably, you may want to check if the form is dirty first before you show the error, but hey if you don't wanna do that, the world is your oyster.

import { useForm } from 'formgp'

const MyForm = () => {
    const initialValue = {
        name: 'Daryl',
        favoriteNumber: 0

    const validators = {
        // If for some reason you hate someone named Glenn, let's do some validation on that
        name: (val) => val === 'Glenn' ? 'No Glenn allowed' : undefined
        // If you insist they provide their favorite number
        favoriteNumber: (val) => !val ? 'Required' : undefined

    const { values, handleChange } = useForm(initialValue, validators)
    return (
                {values.name.dirty && values.name.error && <label>{values.name.error}</label>}
                {values.favoriteNumber.dirty && values.favoriteNumber.error && <label>{values.favoriteNumber.error}</label>}



Some SEO to help me get searched on the wEbZ

#react #formgp #form #formhandler #deadsimple #simple #pleaseuseme #imuseful #imsimple

#BlazinglyFast (not actually but this is a hype word)


2 years ago


2 years ago


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2 years ago