0.0.5 • Published 7 years ago

fpl-mongoose-dto v0.0.5

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Last release
7 years ago


Convert to/from JSON DTO while applying optional level-based hiding.


npm install --save fpl-mongoose-dto

New Version & Owner

Ownership has been transferred to MEAN Factory and is available under their mf-mongoose-dto package.

No updates will be made to this project. Please replace all instances with the new version from MEAN Factory.



  • Convert mongoose docs to/from JSON-based data transfer objects
  • Conserve database space by using shorthand field names
  • Define dot notation for database fields on schema during output
  • Override field names with dot notation at any level

Hiding / Showing Fields (during conversion)

  • Hide fields based on current user level or permissions
  • Rules defined on schema, as plugin defaults, or with each call
  • Override showing or hiding of fields at runtime
  • Use explicit field names or user level / permissions


Extended Schema Parameters

These attributes may be added to the fields on your schema for additional functionality:

nameStringCosmetic name used in error messages
keyStringDot notated path to use when building JSON object (ie 'dob.month')
showNumber or OperationLevel condition used to show the field (ie 0 or '< 30')
hideNumber or OperationLevel condition used to hide the field (ie 100 or '>= 100')

Note: The name: will be converted to camelCase and used for a key name, during the toJSON() call, if no key: value is supplied.

toJSON() Options

The following options may be supplied to the toJSON() call in the form of a JSON object:

hideString or String ArrayName or list of names of fields to always hide
showString or String ArrayName or list of names of fields to always show
levelNumberLevel of the request, or requesting user, requiring the item.

Example #1: Expanded Field Names

The fpl-mongoose-dto plugin will hydrate the resulting JSON object with using camel case names for all attributes. If desired, complex object graphs may be created during the call.


  1. key: a dot-notated path will be constructed;
  2. name: the plain-English name (used by fpl-mongoose-validate) will be converted and used;
  3. the field name is used if neither key or name exist on the schema; and,
  4. enumerators are always hydrated using an id field with an object.


var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
    fplDto   = require('fpl-mongoose-dto'),
	enums    = require('../enums');

var personSchema = mongoose.Schema({

    s   : { type: String, name: 'SSN'  },

    p   : { type: String, name: 'Prefix', enums: enums.NamePrefix.ids },
    f   : { type: String, name: 'First Name', key: 'name.first' },
    m   : { type: String, name: 'Middle Name', key: 'name.middle' },
    l   : { type: String, name: 'Last Name', key: 'name.last' },

    bm  : { type: Number, name: 'Birth Month', key: 'dob.month' },
    bd  : { type: Number, name: 'Birth Day', key: 'dob.day' },
    by  : { type: Number, name: 'Birth Year', key: 'dob.year' }


module.exports = mongoose.model('Person', personSchema);


var result = person.toJSON();


    ssn : '123-45-6789',
    prefix : {
        id : 'MR'
    name : {
        first : 'Joe',
        last  : 'Blow'
    dob  : {
        month : 12,
        day   : 31,
        year  : 2000

Example #2: Dynamically Hiding Fields

The fpl-mongoose-dto plugin will hide fields based field names and/or parameters on the schema. This allows for runtime levels (possibly for membership levels or role levels) to be used at runtime to dynamically hide or show fields in the resulting data transfer object.


  1. default options, supplied to the plugin, are used if not supplied during toJSON();
  2. field may be explicitly shown or hidden by supplying the name of the field(s);
  3. level statements and options are used to determine when to show or hide fields


var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
    fplDto   = require('fpl-mongoose-dto'),
	enums    = require('../enums');

var GUEST = 10,
    USER  = 20,
	OWNER = 30,
	ADMIN = 40;

var personSchema = mongoose.Schema({

    s   : { type: String, name: 'SSN', hide: '< 30' },

    p   : { type: String, enums: enums.NamePrefix.ids },
    f   : { type: String, name: 'First Name' },
    m   : { type: String, name: 'Middle Name', show: '>= 20' },
    l   : { type: String, name: 'Last Name', show: 30 },

    bm  : { type: Number, name: 'Birth Month' },
    bd  : { type: Number, name: 'Birth Day', hide: true },
    by  : { type: Number, name: 'Birth Year', hide: '< 40' }

personSchema.plugin(fplDto, { hide: ['__t', '__v'] });

module.exports = mongoose.model('Person', personSchema);


var result = person.toJSON({
    hide  : '_id',
    show  : ['bd', 'by'],
    level : USER


    prefix : {
        id : 'MR'
    firstName  : 'Joe',
    middleName : 'Dweezil'
    birthMonth : 12,
    birthDay   : 31,
    birthYear  : 2000


  1. Default hide field names were supplied to the plugin when it was initialized. Had the document contained either __v or __t fields they would have been hidden.
  2. Since no key properties were supplied, the name properties were converted to a simple attribute name instead of the complex object in the previous example;
  3. The _id field was explicitly hidden during the toJSON() call;
  4. The bd and by fields would have been hidden because of the hide attribute on the schema (one was true and the other would have evaluated), however these fields were explicitly shown during the toJSON() call;
  5. The l (lastName) field was hidden because the current user level (supplied in the toJSON() call) does not match the strict show: 30 value on the schema (which means to only show if the level matches exactly); and,
  6. Prefix is an enumerator and is always shown as and object with id.


DTO Levels (ACL)

The default levels used by the toJSON() operations for hide and show field attributes are taken from .constants object within the 'fpl-utils-node' project. They are:


The .constants object also contains a .rules property and contains convenience properties for each of the operations:

OperationProperty PrefixAlternate Prefix

This allows rules to be specified as follows:

var $     = ('fpl-utils-node');
var rules = $.constants.plugins.fpl.dto.rules;

var testSchema = mongoose.Schema({
    ssn       : { type: String, hide: rules.LESS_THAN_ADMIN },
    birthDate : { type: Date,   hide: rules.LT_ADMIN },
    firstName : { type: String, show: rules.GREATER_THAN_NONE },
    lastName  : { type: String, show: rules.GT_NONE },

Related Projects

The following projects have been designed specifically to work with each other:

fpl-mongoose-audittrail Track who and when documents are created and updated without complex programming. Compare and contract different versions of each document.

fpl-mongoose-dto (this plugin) Convert to/from JSON DTO while applying optional level-based hiding.

fpl-mongoose-softdelete Increase data integrity by retaining historical data and preventing data from being permanently deleted. Each delete operation causes the document to be marked as "deleted" and subsequently hidden from result sets.

fpl-mongoose-validate Provides additional validation for extended data types, field lengths, arrays, and other useful features.

And, for convenience...

fpl-mongoose-plugins Helper project to instantiate any of the installed fpl-mongoose plugins.

Contact Information

MEAN Factory support@meanfactory.com www.MEANFactory.com

Original Author

Fred Lackey fred.lackey@gmail.com www.fredlackey.com