0.0.15-beta-04 • Published 3 years ago

fqtable v0.0.15-beta-04

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3 years ago


fqtable is an Angular component for datatable.

Use in angular project

$ npm install fqtable --save

Import in NgModule

import {FqtableModule} from 'fqtable';

  imports: [
    // ...
    // ...
export class AppModule {


  • tableData : any[]. List of data to fetch on the datatable. The content of the list must be a json type.
  • searchList: any[]. This list is used for the search. Duplicate the same tableData
  • tableRow : Array. Each key on the Json list must be used for the datable.
  • header:FqTableHeaderInfo | string[]. It contains the title of the table, a buttton for an action. If withoutHeader is true, the header can't be shown
  • columnHeader: TableColumInfo[] | string[]. Title of each column of the datatable
  • menus : RowMenuInfo[]. Actions for each item on the list.
  • config : {currentPage, itemsPerPage}. Items length visible per page, default value : 10
  • isLoading : boolean. if true, the loading component will be shown.
  • withoutHeader: boolean. If true, the table will not have a title and right button.
  • withouSearch: boolean. If true, the search input will not be visible
  • refresh: function. Function allows to refresh the list

Example of use

  • TypeScript files

  1. Data model
export class People {
  name: String;
  login: String;
  status: boolean;
  1. Main file
import {OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import {FqTableHeaderInfo} from './fq-table-header-info';
import {People} from './model'

export class MyClassComponent {

  isLoading = true;
  peopleList: People[];
  tableHeader: FqTableHeaderInfo;

  constructor() {

  private initDataTable() {
    this.tableHeader = {
      withBtn: true,
      btn: {
        bg: 'btn-primary',
        label: 'Create new',
      title: 'People list',
      btnClick: () => {
       // call here the function to create new account
    this.rowMenu = [
        title: 'Edit',
        click: item => {
          // ...
        color: 'green',
        icon: 'edit', 
        isMatDesign: true,
        title: 'Delete',
        click: item => {
          // ...
        color: 'red',
        icon: 'delete',
        isMatDesign: true,
      // ...

  public getPeopleList() {
    // ...
  • HTML file

Call the fqtable tags on the HTML file

  [tableRow]="['name', 'login', {isIcon: true, label : 'status'}]"
  [columnHeader]="['Name', {label : 'Login', style:{'width' : '20%'}}, 'Status']"


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