0.1.2 • Published 10 months ago

fractal-fork v0.1.2

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Last release
10 months ago


This is a fork of the open-source Fractal tool for helping you build and document website component libraries and design systems.

Those familiar with Fractal will know that it is a great tool for developing lightweight frontend components without being dependent on any heavy JavaScript framework.

Unfortunately, Fractal has suffered over the years with out-of-date dependencies and is now officially unmaintained. I use Fractal frequently and successfully in customer projects and therefore have the desire to maintain a version of Fractal with up-to-date dependencies, but I do not use all of the features of the official branch, so I am providing this fork instead.

The goal of this fork is to maximize maintainability for customer projects and not to provide complete feature parity with the official branch. The project is therefore developed with the following concrete goals:

  1. Maximize maintainability by reducing size of source code
  2. Minimize number of dependencies

I use real Fractal projects to test any changes that I make to the source code. However, this also means that any feature that I do not personally use for any Fractal projects is at risk of being removed in the future (especially if it uses dependencies which are poorly maintained).

Migration Guide from @frctl/fractal to fractal-fork

The changes to offical Fractal branch are listed here as follows:

  • fractal-fork uses a single repository for ease of deployment. To migrate from @frctl/fractal to fractal-fork do the following:
    • Replace require('@frctl/core') with require('fractal-fork').core
    • Replace require('@frctl/fractal') with require('fractal-fork').fractal
    • Replace require('@frctl/handlebars') with require('fractal-fork').handlebars
    • Replace require('@frctl/mandelbrot') with require('fractal-fork').mandelbrot
    • Replace require('@frctl/web') with require('fractal-fork').web
  • Replace the fractal command in your package.json scripts with fractal-fork
  • Automatic port discovery is not supported for fractal-fork. If a port is blocked, fractal-fork will quit with an error and it is the developer's responsibility to set a different port via --port.
  • fractal-fork does not support the --sync option for the start command. This simplifies the implementation and avoids security vulnerabilities introduces by the browser-sync dependency
  • fractal-fork does not support the twig, nunjucts, or react adapters (if you still need them, it should be possible for you to maintain a separate fork for those adapters)
  • fractal-fork does not support the new CLI command (it's a command I've rarely used because I usually create the repository structure and fractal.config.js by hand and the CLI was one area which had horrible dependencies which needed to be removed)
  • The CLI output for fractal-fork is much less pretty -- there are no colors and the console never overwrites previous log output. This means particularly for the build command that the console output is much longer

Read the full Fractal documentation

Introduction to Fractal

Component (or pattern) libraries are a way of designing and building websites in a modular fashion, breaking up the UI into small, reusable chunks that can then later be assembled in a variety of ways to build anything from larger components right up to whole pages.

Fractal helps you assemble, preview and document website component libraries, or even scale up to document entire design systems for your organisation.

Check out the documentation for more information.

Getting started

Install into your project (recommended)

npm install fractal-fork --save-dev

Then create your fractal.config.js file in the project root, and configure using the official documentation but keeping in mind the changes to imports listed out in the migration guide.

An example pattern library using the fractal-fork library can be found in the example folder.

Then you can either run npx fractal start to start up the project, or create an alias under the scripts section in your package.json as a shortcut.


"scripts": {
    "fractal:start": "fractal-fork start",
    "fractal:build": "fractal-fork build"


npm run fractal:start

Submitting pull requests

We will always welcome pull requests on any of the frctl organisation repositories. Please submit PRs against main branch with an explanation of your intention.

We use conventional commits, which means that every pull request title should conform to the standard.



Existing tests can be run using the npm test command.
