0.3.0 • Published 2 years ago

frame-worker v0.3.0

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Last release
2 years ago


Run Web Worker Script with an IFrame


  • default export detection
  • url shortening
  • blob url revocation
  • raw unencoded strings
  • CommonJS code


via script tag

<script src="https://unpkg.com/frame-worker"></script>

via npm

npm install frame-worker

basic usage

import FrameWorker from "frame-worker";

// initialize from url
new FrameWorker("./square.worker.js");

// intialize from blob url
new FrameWorker("blob:http://localhost:8080/bf331630-1275-4b3d-9b65-22512egdb592");

// initialize from data url
new FrameWorker("data:application/javascript;base64,Cm1vZHVsZS5leHBvcnRzLmRlZmF1bHQgPSBmdW5jdGlvbigpIHsKICByZXR1cm4gMTIzNDsKfQ==");

// listen to messages
worker.addEventListener("message", function (event) {
  console.log("received": event.data);

advanced usage


You can pass an extra context object to the worker. FrameWorker will assign the entries in the object to the global window and self inside the iframe. In the example below, we pass a validate function to the FrameWorker.

new FrameWorker(workerScript, undefined, { 
  context: {
    validate: function() { ... }


You can pass in a CommonJS module and have it automatically interpreted as a Web Worker script. If there is no self.onmessage defined in the input script, FrameWorker will automatically look for and call module.exports or module.exports.default function.

const code = `
  module.exports = function() {
    return 1234;
new FrameWorker(code, undefined, {
  cjs: true, // code is a basic CommonJS file
  raw: true // code is not encoded in a Data URL or Blob URL


You can set debug to true for extra helpful log messages

new FrameWorker(workerScript, undefined, { debug: true });


You can specify an id to give to the created iframe. If id is not a string, it will be ignored.

new FrameWorker(workerScript, undefined, { id: "special" });


You can pass in raw unencoded JavaScript.

new FrameWorker("console.log('hello, world')", undefined, { raw: true });


If you initialize a FrameWorker with a "blob:..." url, you can have the url automatically revoked after the worker is initialized.

const url = "blob:http://localhost:8080/bf331630-1275-4b3d-9b65-22512egdb592";
new FrameWorker(url, undefined, { revoke: true });