1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

free-party-cli v1.0.0

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Last release
2 years ago

Free Party Cli

Version 1.0.0

It will be improved later, currently it's the default version, pull the default configuration directly to configure, later it will be changed to configure on demand, currently it only supports front-end, later it will follow the back-end configuration

The default configuration is vite react redux redux-toolkit immer react-router axios mockjs sass

How to create a project

You just need to npm install -g free-party-cli to install it globally, and then use free-party-cli create ProjectName to create your project

How to use the installed free-party-cli

Download packages
pnpm install | yarn install | npm install

The recommended way to start, using the pnpm package management tool
pnpm dev | yarn dev | npm run dev

Build method
pnpm build | yarn build | npm run build

Project Catalog

Project directory
|-- README-zh.md
|-- README.md
|-- envs------------------environment variables
|-- favicon.svg
|-- index.html------------html entry
|-- mock------------------mock requests
|   |-- index.ts        
|-- package.json
|-- src
|   |-- App.tsx-----------react main component
|   |-- common
|   |   |-- fonts---------font file
|   |   |-- images--------image files
|   |   |-- style---------public style files
|   |   |-- ts------------public ts methods
|   |-- components--------components
|   |   |-- counter-------example calculation component
|   |   |-- sidebar
|   |-- main.tsx----------entry file
|   |-- pages-------------routing pages
|   |   |-- about
|   |   |-- home
|   |-- router------------react-router
|   |   |-- index.tsx
|   |   |-- router-view---wrapped router-view
|   |-- store-------------redux
|   |-- vite-env.d.ts-----types of vite environment variables
|-- tsconfig.json---------ts Configuration
|-- tsconfig.node.json
|-- types-----------------types
|-- vite.config.ts--------vite configuration file