1.4.0 • Published 1 year ago

freezircular v1.4.0

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Last release
1 year ago


Freezircular is a tool to detect circular dependencies in your code. It keeps track of which circular dependencies were there before, and which are new. The main motivation for this tool is to prevent new circular dependencies from being added to a codebase.

Freezircular keeps a baseline of circular dependencies in your codebase - you can either set it up to prevent new circular dependencies from being added to a codebase, or to just prevent any circular dependencies whatsoever from being added.

To run it, invoke npx freezircular - it will let you know if any new circular dependencies are added while ignoring previously existing ones.



Make sure to set up the settings in your package.json file, on a property called freezircular. The entryPath for your app is the most important bit.

   "freezircular": {
        "entryPath": "src/index.ts",
        "autoAddDeps": true,
        "previousDepsPath": ".freezircularDeps",
        "verbose": true,
        "tsConfig": "tsconfig.json"
  • entryPath: starting point for your application, typically index.ts, src/index.ts, src/App.tsx or something like that. If it's not set, Freezircular will look for an index file and if it can't find one, it will fail.

  • autoAddDeps: whether the .freezircularDeps, which keeps track of previous circular dependencies, should be added to git via git add after every change to circular dependencies. Defaults to true.

  • previousDepsPath: path to the file which contains the previous baseline for circular dependencies. Normally you won't need to modify the default. Defaults to .freezircularDeps.

  • verbose: whether to show a message whenever there are no new circular dependencies introduced. Defaults to true.

  • tsConfig: route to your tsconfig.json file, if you're using TS. If it's not set, freezircular will try to use a tsconfig.json file if it finds one, otherwise it'll be ignored.

Establish a baseline

If you are setting up Freezircular on a codebase which already has circular dependencies on it, you should let Freezircular know that there are some old ones by creating a baseline. To do this, run Freezircular with the --baseline parameter:

npx freezircular --baseline

This will store the information of your circular deps in the file specified in previousDepsPath (by default, .freezircularDeps). Freezircular will take care of updating this file as circular dependencies get removed.

Pre-commit hook

Finally, it's suggested to set Freezircular up as a pre-commit hook, e.g., using husky:

npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npx freezircular"

Execution will fail (i.e., the commit will be aborted) if Freezircular detects any new circular dependencies, but any previously existing circular dependencies will be ignored.


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