0.0.4 • Published 4 years ago

frum v0.0.4

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Last release
4 years ago


FRom a nUM make great things.

Inspired by ruby number methods

Extend a number to offer useful functions

// create ranges
let range = frum(3).to(7.4)

// iter loops or create array
range.by(0.4, mappingOrCallback )

// test overlappings
range.contains(8) // false
range.intersects(frum(1).to(5)) // true

// and many more to come...

// ...even a ruby '5.times do' equivalent
frum(5).count(callback) // ?target=undefined, ?step=1
// for lazy loops (and happy developper)

try me in the browser console

Date and other types support is not working, but it's a mid-term goal.


the same routine as always

There are NO dependancies, the code used tries to be non ES6 so that it could run on older browsers. Let me know if I made mistakes.

cross compatibility node/browser thanks to moment.js

  • Usable in browser
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/frum/index.js"></script>

There is no CDN for now but it might come if you ask for it.

  • Usable in node
npm install frum
const frum = require('frum')

Use (not written yet)

as simple as that

for now there is a trailing decimal problem when you use decimals you might come across x.000000000006 numbers that are not what you wanted

This is a known issue from javascript and I will fix that later

try me in the browser console

const frum = require('frum'); //from node

// create frum Number
var n = frum(3)

// create ranges
var range = n.to(7.4)

// iterating
range.by(2, console.log )

// creating arrays
range.by(2) //simple

range.by(2, function (i) {
  return 'I said ' + i + ' ! ' // mapping

// overlappings
range.contains(8) // false
// ! NOT implemented yet:
range.intersects( frum(1).to(4) ) // true

// and lazy loops
var log = console.log
frum(5).count(log) // O, 1, 2, 3, 4
frum(5).count(log, 0) // 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
frum(5).count(log, 6, 0.2) // 5, 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.8, 6
  // !!! with trailing due to floating point !!!