2.0.0 • Published 4 years ago
fs-dbengine v2.0.0
Because fsdb was already taken.
This module allows you to save data without having an actual database server.
This solution is an experiment despite the fact that it is theoretically stable in beta.
fsdb (Customizable name)
└─── __cache (Customizable name)
│ │ saves.json (Manages the backup system)
│ │
│ └─── backup
│ │ 1560377410
│ │ 1560377440
│ │ ...
│ (A folder that contains all backups called by the time they were created)
└─── Database1 (Customizable name)
│ └─── Collection1 (Customizable name)
│ │ table1.json (Customizable name)
│ │ table2.json (Customizable name)
│ │ ...
│ │
│ └─── Collection2 (Customizable name)
│ │ table1.json (Customizable name)
│ │ table2.json (Customizable name)
│ │ ...
│ (Each JSON file has stringified json)
└─── Database2 (Customizable name)
│ └─── Collection (Customizable name)
│ │ │ Table.json (Customizable name)
│ │ │ ...
│ │ ...
│ ...
Fully customizable.
Save a defined amount of backups or none.
Create/Access collections.
Create/Set tables.
Access and set nested data structures (see test.js).
Delete keys from a table.
Use backups to fix a corrupted file.