0.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

fs-read-write v0.0.2

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4 years ago


Modular typescript CLI builder

Why to have another cli parser when we have yargs, oclif and so on.

  1. Modularity
    const base = baseCommand()
    .flag(['--debug', '-d'])
        return {
            debug: match('--debug', (v) => !!v, false)

    const buildBase = base
    .parse(async (match, prev)=> {
        return {
            env: await match('--env', Prompt.select('Please select environment', ['production', 'development']), 'development')
            port: await match('--port', Prompt.number('Please enter port number'), 3000)

        cliName: 'pkg',
        commands: [
            base.command('lint').handle(()=> {
                // Handle lint
                 buildBase.command('watch').handle(({ debug, env, port })=>{
        // handle watch command
    }),     buildBase.command('build').handle(({ debug, env, port })=>{
        // handle watch command
  1. Arguments validation order
  2. Arguments dependencies

    Let's assume simple cli yarn xxx --namespace abc --customer sample

    • Customer value depends on namespace
    1. Let's assume that abc namespace is invalid and correct namespace is abc_123

    Cli should fail