1.0.4 • Published 1 year ago

fsdk-react v1.0.4

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1 year ago

fsdk React

A React library providing a set of components, utilities, and hooks for interacting seamlessly with a fsdk backend and building custom React storefronts.


The library uses react-query as a solution for server-side state management and lists the library as a peer dependency.

In order to install the package, run the following

npm install fsdk-react react-query @fsdkjs/fsdk
# or
yarn add fsdk-react react-query @fsdkjs/fsdk

Quick Start

In order to use the hooks exposed by fsdk-react, you will need to include the fsdkProvider somewhere up in your component tree. The fsdkProvider takes a baseUrl prop which should point to your fsdk server. Under the hood, fsdk-react uses the fsdk-js client library (built on top of axios) to interact with your server.

In addition, because fsdk-react is built on top of react-query, you can pass an object representing react-query's QueryClientProvider props, which will be passed along by fsdkProvider.

// App.tsx

import * as React from "react"
import { QueryClient } from "react-query"
import { fsdkProvider } from "../src"
import MyStorefront from "./my-storefront"

// Your react-query's query client config
const queryClient = new QueryClient({
  defaultOptions: {
    queries: {
      refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
      staleTime: 30000,
      retry: 1,

const App = () => {
  return (
      queryClientProviderProps={{ client: queryClient }}
      <MyStorefront />

export default App

The hooks exposed by fsdk-react fall into two main categories: queries and mutations.


Queries simply wrap around react-query's useQuery hook to fetch some data from your fsdk server

// ./my-storefront.tsx
import * as React from "react"
import { useProducts } from "fsdk-react"

const MyStorefront = () => {
  const { products, isLoading } = useProducts()

  return isLoading ? (
    <Spinner />
  ) : (
    products.map((product) => <Product product={product} />)

In general, the queries will return everything react-query returns from useQuery except the data field, which will be flattened out. In addition, you can also access the HTTP response object returned from the fsdk-js client including things like status, headers, etc.

So, in other words, we can express what the above query returns as the following:

import { UseQueryResult } from "react-query"

// This is what a fsdk server returns when you hit the GET /store/products endpoint
type ProductsResponse = {
  products: Product[]
  limit: number
  offset: number

// UseProductsQuery refers to what's returned by the useProducts hook
type UseProductsQuery = ProductsResponse &
  Omit<UseQueryResult, "data"> & {
    response: {
      status: number
      statusText: string
      headers: Record<string, string> & {
        "set-cookie"?: string[]
      config: any
      request?: any

// More generally ...

type QueryReturnType = APIResponse &
  Omit<UseQueryResult, "data"> & {
    response: {
      status: number
      statusText: string
      headers: Record<string, string> & {
        "set-cookie"?: string[]
      config: any
      request?: any


Mutations wrap around react-query's useMutation to mutate data and perform server-side effects on your fsdk server. If you are not entirely familiar with this idea of "mutations", creating a cart would be a mutation because it creates a cart in your server (and database). Mutations also have to be invoked imperatively, meaning that calling for the mutation to take action, you will have to call a mutate() function returned from mutation hooks.

import * as React from "react"
import { useCreateCart } from "fsdk-react"

const CreateCartButton = () => {
  const createCart = useCreateCart()
  const handleClick = () => {
    createCart.mutate({}) // create an empty cart

  return (
    <Button isLoading={createCart.isLoading} onClick={handleClick}>
      Create cart

The mutation hooks will return exactly what react-query's useMutation returns. In addition, the options you pass in to the hooks will be passed along to useMutation.


A set of utility functions are also exposed from the library to make your life easier when dealing with displaying money amounts


  • formatVariantPrice(params: FormatVariantPriceParams): string
type FormatVariantPriceParams = {
  variant: ProductVariantInfo
  region: RegionInfo
  includeTaxes?: boolean
  minimumFractionDigits?: number
  maximumFractionDigits?: number
  locale?: string

type ProductVariantInfo = Pick<ProductVariant, "prices">

type RegionInfo = {
  currency_code: string
  tax_code: string
  tax_rate: number

Given a variant and region, will return a string representing the localized amount (i.e: $19.50)

The behavior of minimumFractionDigits and maximumFractionDigits is the same as the one explained by MDN here. In fact, in order to convert the decimal amount, we use the browser's Intl.NumberFormat method.


  • computeVariantPrice(params: ComputeVariantPriceParams): number
type ComputeVariantPriceParams = {
  variant: ProductVariantInfo
  region: RegionInfo
  includeTaxes?: boolean

Determines a variant's price based on the region provided. Returns a decimal number representing the amount.


  • formatAmount(params: FormatAmountParams): string
type FormatAmountParams = {
  amount: number
  region: RegionInfo
  includeTaxes?: boolean
  minimumFractionDigits?: number
  maximumFractionDigits?: number
  locale?: string

Returns a localized string based on the input params representing the amount (i.e: "$10.99").


  • computeAmount(params: ComputeAmountParams): number
type ComputeAmountParams = {
  amount: number
  region: RegionInfo
  includeTaxes?: boolean

Takes an integer amount, a region, and includeTaxes boolean. Returns a decimal amount including (or excluding) taxes.

Context Providers (Experimental)

In order to make building custom storefronts easier, we also expose a SessionCartProvider and a CartProvider . At first, the two sound very similar to each other, however, the main distinction between the two is that the SessionCartProvider never interacts with your fsdk server.

The main goal behind the provider is to manage the state related to your users' cart experience. In other words, the provider keeps track of the items users add to their cart and help you interact with those items through a set of helpful methods like addItem, updateQuantity, removeItem , etc.

On the other hand the CartProvider makes use of some of the hooks already exposed by fsdk-react to help you create a cart (on the fsdk backend), start the checkout flow, authorize payment sessions, etc. It also manages one single global piece of state which represents a cart, exactly like the one created on your fsdk backend.

You can think of a sessionCart as a purely client-side lightweight cart, in other words, just a javascript object living in your browser, whereas cart is the entity which you have stored in your database.


The first step to using the SessionCartProvider is by inserting it somewhere up in your component tree.

// App.tsx

import * as React from "react"
import { QueryClient } from "react-query"
import { fsdkProvider, SessionCartProvider } from "fsdk-react"
import MyStorefront from "./my-storefront"

// Your react-query's query client config
const queryClient = new QueryClient({
  defaultOptions: {
    queries: {
      refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
      staleTime: 30000,
      retry: 1,

const App = () => {
  return (
      queryClientProviderProps={{ client: queryClient }}
        <MyStorefront />

export default App


// App.tsx

import * as React from "react"
import { QueryClient } from "react-query"
import { fsdkProvider, CartProvider } from "fsdk-react"
import MyStorefront from "./my-storefront"

// Your react-query's query client config
const queryClient = new QueryClient({
  defaultOptions: {
    queries: {
      refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
      staleTime: 30000,
      retry: 1,

const App = () => {
  return (
      queryClientProviderProps={{ client: queryClient }}
        <MyStorefront />

export default App

1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago


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