2.1.0 • Published 10 years ago
fsj v2.1.0
Command line:
usage: fsj [files] [-lhf] [-d int] [-t exec] [-i regex]
Writes a json blob to stdout, with all the contents of all the files in it.
If no arguments are specified, reads a whitespace delimited list of files
from stdin, and builds a bundle from their contents once it receives EOF.
-d, --indent:
formats the resulting json with the specified number of spaces
-h, --help:
Print this help message, and exit.
-l, --links:
follow symbolic links, recursively descending whatever the
link points to, as well.
-i, --ignore regex:
Paths matching this JavaScript regex are excluded
-t, --file-transform
The path to an executable process that listens for file data on stdin
and writes some transform of the above to stdout. For example:
fsj -t $(grep ack)
will result in a json blob whose values are only those lines containing
-f, --flat
Whether the resulting json blob should unify paths and return a nested
blob, or a flat json blob. For example, with flat specified, the
resulting blob might be:
'my-proj/help.txt': 'text',
'my-proj/chpater1/intro.txt': 'text',
'my-proj/chpater1/body.txt': 'text',
'my-proj/chpater1/conclusion.txt': 'text',
'my-proj/chpater2/body.txt': 'text'
With flat set to false, it owuld be:
'my-proj': {
'help.txt': 'text'
'chpater1': {
/intro.txt': 'text',
'body.txt': 'text',
'conclusion.txt': 'text'
'chpater2': {
'body.txt': 'text'
var fsj = require('fsj')
fsj(stream, options, ready)
: a readable stream which emits paths to walkoptions
: options keyed and defined by the logform of the command line arguments listed belowready
: a callback when its all been walked. Will be called with the json blob defined in the command line section