0.1.0 • Published 4 months ago

fsx-web v0.1.0

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4 months ago


by Nicholas C. Zakas

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The fsx bindings for the Origin Private File System (OPFS) in web browsers.

!WARNING This project is experimental and may change significantly before v1.0.0. Use at your own caution and definitely not in production!


It's recommended to import the minified version to save bandwidth:

import { fsx } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/fsx-web?min";

However, you can also import the unminified version for debugging purposes:

import { fsx } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/fsx-web";


The easiest way to use fsx in your project is to import the fsx object:

import { fsx } from "fsx-web";

Then, you can use the API methods:

// 1. Files

// read from a text file
const text = await fsx.text("file.txt");

// read from a JSON file
const json = await fsx.json("file.json");

// read raw bytes from a text file
const bytes = await fsx.bytes("file.txt");

// write text to a file
await fsx.write("file.txt", "Hello world!");

// write bytes to a file
await fsx.write("file.txt", new TextEncoder().encode("Hello world!"));

// does the file exist?
const found = await fsx.isFile("file.txt");

// how big is the file?
const size = await fsx.size("file.txt");

// delete a file
await fsx.delete("file.txt");

// 2. Directories

// create a directory
await fsx.createDirectory("dir");

// create a directory recursively
await fsx.createDirectory("dir/subdir");

// does the directory exist?
const dirFound = await fsx.isDirectory("dir");

// delete a directory
await fsx.delete("dir");

// delete a non-empty directory
await fsx.deleteAll("dir");

If you'd like to create your own instance, import the WebFsx constructor:

import { WebFsx } from "fsx-web";

const fsx = new WebFsx({
	root: await navigator.storage.getDirectory()

If you'd like to use just the impl, import the WebFsxImpl constructor:

import { WebFsxImpl } from "fsx-web";

const fsx = new WebFsxImpl({
	root: await navigator.storage.getDirectory()


Apache 2.0


4 months ago