ftekos-cameras v1.0.1
FTekOS Cameras
This microservice handles cameras, camera groups, io nodes casting and VMS integrations.
Node 10+
MongoDB 4
Swagger CLI (optional)
cp .env.dist .env
- Update .env information
npm install
- Run/Development -
npm run dev
- Run/Production -
npm start
- Build -
npm run build
- Unit Tests -
npm run test
- Unit Tests with Coverage -
npm run coverage
Generate postman documentation from the Open API spec 1. Open postman and click "Import" 1. Drag or search for the open api spec located in public/docs/index.bundle.json 1. Make sure "Generate collection from imported APIs" is checked 1. Click "Show advanced settings", change "Folder organization" to "Tags" then click "Import"
Open API
The API documentation is in public/docs. Swagger CLI is required to update the documentation.
npm run openapi:validate
to validate the definitions.npm run openapi:bundle
to bundle the documentation into a single file.openapi-generator generate -i public/docs/index.bundle.json -g typescript-axios -o ~/my-typescript-sdk
to generate an SDK from the Open API spec. See the OpenAPI Generator docs for installation, options and a full list of generators
Socket subscriptions
The events below are dispatched through socketio.
- Camera is created or updatedcamera.remove
- Camera is removedcamera.updateMany
- Many cameras are updatedcamera.removeMany
- Many cameras are removedcameraGroup.save
- Camera Group is created or updatedcameraGroup.remove
- Camera Group is removedioNode.save
- IO Node is created or updatedioNode.remove
- IO Node is removed
See socketio installation guide for more information.npm install socket.io-client
import SocketIOClient from "socket.io-client";
const socket = SocketIOClient('http://myhost');
socket.on('camera.save', (camera) => {
© 2020 FrankenTek Inc. All rights reserved
4 years ago