2.4.0 ā€¢ Published 3 years ago

ftx-cli v2.4.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
3 years ago


šŸ’± The power of FTX meets the power of the command line.

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šŸ†“ Free: no ads, no trackers, no paid licences, no subscriptions, no added fees.\ šŸ“– Open source: 'not your (API) keys, not your coins'.\ šŸ” Self-hosted: no intermediary servers and no extra downtime; you're in control.\ āš” Fast: place complex orders in the heat of the moment.\ šŸ”Œ Powerful: try scheduled commands, new advanced orders, auto-compounding lending, and more.\ šŸŽØ Customisable: configure the UI and collate exchange data to create custom interfaces.\ šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’» Extensible: combine input, output, or behaviour with other CLIs or custom scripts.\ šŸŒ Global: FTX, with or without the US.\ šŸ‘¤ Multiple accounts: switch account and subaccount on the fly.



Node.js v14.13.0+ is required. Run the following command to display your installed Node.js version:

node --version

If you are running Node.js v14.13.0 or later, run the following command to install FTX CLI:

npm install -g ftx-cli

If you are running an older version of Node.js and aren't sure how to update, or don't have it installed, please follow the instructions for your operating system below.

Once you have installed FTX CLI, run the following command to verify:

ftx --version

Linux and macOS

ā„¹ļø Please follow these instructions if you are running any Unix-like environment (e.g. Linux, macOS, Windows Subsystem for Linux, Git Bash, Cygwin).

Run the following command block to install nvm, latest Node.js LTS, and FTX CLI:

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.38.0/install.sh | bash &&
export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")" &&
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" &&
nvm install --lts &&
npm install -g ftx-cli


Download and follow the latest Node.js LTS Windows installer and then run the following command to install FTX CLI:

npm install -g ftx-cli

Alternative methods

Advanced users may want to try one of the alternative installation methods.


Getting started

ā„¹ļø Planning on using FTX CLI purely for displaying exchange data? You can ignore this section for now; API credentials (key and secret) are only required for authenticated, account-related parts of the platform, such as trading and lending.

Create API credentials

  1. If you don't have an FTX account yet, create one (click here for FTX US)
  2. Select 'Main Account' (account-wide) or the specific subaccount that FTX CLI can access:
    • Subaccounts ā†’ 'CREATE SUBACCOUNT' or 'Select Account'
  3. If you want to margin trade or lend, make sure to enable spot margin trading:
    • Settings ā†’ Margin ā†’ 'ENABLE SPOT MARGIN TRADING'
  4. Create your API key and secret:
    • Settings ā†’ Api ā†’ 'CREATE API KEY'

Save API credentials

āš ļø If your machine is shared or unsecure, it is recommended that you save your API credentials elsewhere instead of using the login command.

ā„¹ļø API credentials and subaccount names are case-sensitive, as they are used to authenticate with the FTX platform. API credentials can be copy and pasted after you create them, and subaccount names from the subaccounts page.

# Account-wide access (requires API credentials not linked to a specific subaccount).
ftx login --key YOUR_API_KEY --secret YOUR_API_SECRET

# Subaccount-only access.
ftx login --key YOUR_API_KEY --secret YOUR_API_SECRET --subaccount YOUR_SUBACCOUNT

Secure API credentials

Here are some best practices for keeping your API credentials secure:

  1. Edit API key permissions to the minimum required for FTX CLI to function properly:
    • Disable 'Read-only'
    • Disable 'Withdrawals enabled'
    • Disable 'Internal transfers enabled'
  2. If you know the static IP address(es) you will be using, you can further improve security by whitelisting them:




  • You don't need to learn all of the commands and options immediately: start by running some of the simple examples and build your way up
  • Most documented examples are fully expanded to aid understanding: there are many features to make things quicker and easier once you are comfortable

Global options

You can include these options with any command to modify its behaviour.

-v, --version                           Output the version number.
    --[no-]interactive                  Toggle interactive mode. When enabled, if the command supports interactive mode, prompts will guide you through its usage. Other inline options will be ignored [default: disabled].
    --output (table | json)             Output format [default: table].
    --[no-]colour                       Toggle coloured output [default: enabled].
    --[no-]update-notifications         Toggle update notifications. When enabled, in table output mode, and an update is available: a notification will appear after command execution at most once a day [default: enabled].
-e, --exchange (ftx | ftx-us)           FTX exchange platform [default: ftx].
-k, --key <key>                         FTX API key.
-x, --secret <secret>                   FTX API secret.
-a, --subaccount (main | <subaccount>)  FTX subaccount name [default: main].
    --schedule <schedule>               Schedule command to run at a future date and time or periodically, according to a given interval, until manually aborted.
-h, --help                              Display help for command.

ā„¹ļø Inline options take priority over saved credentials (saved via login) and configuration (saved via config), meaning you can set your defaults and then override them on a per-command basis where necessary.


Visit the documentation for a topic to learn more about related commands:

šŸ” Authentication required\ šŸ’¬ Supports interactive mode



  • You can utilise subaccounts to isolate margin, manage risk, and restrict FTX CLI's access to your account



How are my API credentials used?

See for yourself! TL;DR: FTX CLI only communicates with FTX or FTX US, and your API credentials will be stored on your machine if you decide to login.

Why did I get rate-limited?

It is possible to hit FTX's rate limits if you attempt to execute large amounts of commands in a short period of time. Slow down!

What's the screenshot setup?

We use a custom theme on Carbon to replicate our favourite terminal: Hyper with Fira Code (font ligatures enabled).


Support the project


Please feel free to create a GitHub issue or join our Discord server to report bugs, suggest features, or ask questions.


Share the project with your friends and followers (here's a free tweet!).


Create an FTX or FTX US account using our referral links ā€“ as a bonus, you will receive 5% off your trading fees.


BTC: bc1q5f323q4399s3plle9t33j7czv5knj90ujyg3ys\ ETH/ERC-20: 0x07324D924CA0C9Fbe933AE7E958e47Dd7d040C4d\ SOL/SPL: 32Jwe936XEN5NEvbWusapYeqwFcuPQkSgCuzduQEkfCV



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FTX CLI is not affiliated with FTX. Your account(s) and funds are your responsibility. Trading involves a high degree of risk and is not suitable for all persons. FTX CLI is an FTX External Referral Program; we may receive a fraction of the trading fees that are generated by the software (this does not affect the trading fees that you pay).



MIT Ā© Dusk