1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

fugot v1.0.0

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7 years ago


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Like got but with Futures

This library is a port of the excellent got Node HTTP client that returns Futures instead of Promises, provided by the also excellent Fluture library.

Please note that unlike got, fugot does not support streams as it's focused on being a Future-returning client for Node.


$ npm install --save fluture fugot

Why Futures?

Futures offer an interesting alternative to Promises with the following features:

Fluture offers a nice API that provides transformation, error handling, and parallelism methods.

For a more in-depth comparison, see Fluture's wiki.


const fugot = require('fugot')
// Because you'll probably be making your own Futures, they're exposed by `fugot`
const Future = fugot.Future

// Requests don't run until you call `fork`
const firstName = fugot('http://api.randomuser.me', {json: true})
  .map(data => data.body.results[0])
  .map(result => result.name.first)

// Prints a random first name
firstName.fork(console.error, console.log)

// Call the function returned by `fork` to cancel a request
const cancel = firstName.fork(console.error, console.log)
// Nothing should be printed unless you comment the following out


These docs are copied from got with appropiate modifications.

fugot(url, options)

A GET request by default, but that can be changed in options.

Returns a Future for a response object with a body property, a url property with the request URL or the final URL after redirects, and a requestUrl property with the original request URL.


Type: string, object

The URL to request or a http.request options object.

Properties from options will override properties in the parsed url.


Type: object

Any of the http.request options.


Type: string, buffer, readableStream, object

Body that will be sent with a POST request.

If present in options and options.method is not set, options.method will be set to POST.

If content-length or transfer-encoding is not set in options.headers and body is a string or buffer, content-length will be set to the body length.

If body is a plain object, it will be stringified with querystring.stringify and sent as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.


Type: string, null Default: 'utf8'

Encoding to be used on setEncoding of the response data. If null, the body is returned as a Buffer.


Type: boolean Default: false

Parse response body with JSON.parse and set accept header to application/json.


Type: string, object

Query string object that will be added to the request URL. This will override the query string in url.


Type: number, object

Milliseconds to wait for a server to send response headers before aborting request with ETIMEDOUT error.

Option accepts object with separate connect and socket fields for connection and socket inactivity timeouts


Type: number, function Default: 5

Number of request retries when network errors happens. Delays between retries counts with function 1000 * Math.pow(2, retry) + Math.random() * 100, where retry is attempt number (starts from 0).

Option accepts function with retry and error arguments. Function must return delay in milliseconds (0 return value cancels retry).

Note: if retries is number, ENOTFOUND and ENETUNREACH error will not be retried (see full list in is-retry-allowed module).


Type: boolean Default: true

Defines if redirect responses should be followed automatically.



MIT © Juan Soto