fummpel v0.0.4
Main class representing a set of token IDs as BigInts
. Construct either with a list / set of
or decode from compressed bytes.
Generate Merkle tree roots / multi-proofs with root()
and proof(...)
and retrieve a compact
binary representation with 'encode()`
new TokenIDs(tokenIDs: Iterable<bigint>)
Create a new list of tokens from any Iterable, e.g. Set
/ Array
. Token IDs must be 256-bit BigInts
TokenIDs.decode(bytes: Uint8Array): TokenIDs
Decode tokens from a compressed byte stream.
Gets compressed binary representation of all token IDs
proof(subset: Iterable<bigint>)
Generates Merkle multi-proof for subset of token IDs
Gets Merkle tree root hash
Gets list of token IDs represented by this TokenIDs instance as a sorted array
verify(proof: string[], flags: boolean[], leaves: string[][]): boolean
Verify multiproof using essentially the same algo in OpenZeppelin's smart contract
import { TokenIDs } from 'fummpel';
// keccak256 needs to be initialized
await TokenIDs.init();
const tokens = new TokenIDs([2n,3n,5n,7n])
// Merkle root for these 4 tokens
const root = tokens.root();
// '0xc97e9e1eb896293c19f2649c796c9a276d997cfa58164c5f25d9a3f29b894cc9'
// Merkle multiproof for 2 of the tokens
const proof = tokens.proof([2n, 5n]);
// {
// leaves: [ 5n, 2n ],
// proof: [
// '0xcff8e1781584200105067c0684580a1524c9539de52c1f9889e2cf73830cfccc'
// ],
// proofFlags: [ true, false ]
// }
// Leaf error if token is not in tree
const bad = tokens.proof([1n]);
// Error: Leaf is not in tree
// Verify multiproof
const verified = tokens.verify(proof.proof, proof.proofFlags, proof.leaves);
// true
// Get encoded tokens list
const encoded = tokens.encoded();
// Uint8Array(2) [ ... ]
// Decode encoded tokens list
const decoded_tokens = TokenIDs.decode(encoded);
// TokenIDs { ... }
const decoded_token_ids = decoded_tokens.tokens();
// [ 2n, 3n, 5n, 7n ]
npm install
is used for testing.
npm test
Single test
npx ts-node src/token_ids.test.ts
Browser Benchmark
Install parcel then parcel public/bench.html
or npx parcel public/bench.html
Build / Publish
npm run build
and then npm publish --access public