0.1.0 • Published 2 years ago

function-schema v0.1.0

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2 years ago


npm install function-schema


import { signature } from 'function-schema';

const myFunction = signature(...ParamTypeChecks)(ReturnValueCheck)(functionDefinition);


Define your function signature

import { signature, Void } from 'function-schema';

// myFunction(name: string): void
const myFunction = signature(String)(Void)(
  (name) => console.log(`Hello, ${name}`),

Invoke your function:

myFunction('Stan'); // "Hello, Stan"

myFunction(300); // TypeCheckError: Parameter 0 must be an instance of string, received number instead

Return value:

import { signature } from 'function-schema';

// myFunction(name: string): string
const myFunction = signature(String)(String)(
  (name) => `Hello, ${name}`,

Optional parameters

import { signature, Optional, Int } from 'function-schema';

// myFunction(name: string, age: Optional<int>): string
const myFunction = signature(String, Optional(Int))(String)(
  (name, age) => `I'm ${name}, and I'm ${age !== undefined ? age : 'infinite'} years old`,

myFunction('John', 17); // "I'm John, and I'm 17 years old"
myFunction('Duncan'); // "I'm John, and I'm infinite years old"
myFunction('Didact', null); // "I'm Didact, and I'm infinite years old"
myFunction('Zima', undefined); // "I'm Zima, and I'm infinite years old"

myFunction('Josh', 'Foo'); // TypeCheckError: Parameter 1 must be an instance of Optional<int>, received string instead

Instance Of

import { signature, InstanceOf } from 'function-schema';

class MyClass {
    this.name = name;

// myFunction(param: MyClass): void
const myFunction = signature(InstanceOf(MyClass))()(
  (param) => console.log(param),

// This would have the exact same effect since InstanceOf is the default type check.
const myFunction = signature(MyClass)()(
  (param) => console.log(param),

myFunction(new MyClass('John')); // MyClass { name: 'John' }

myFunction(); // TypeCheckError: Parameter 0 must be an instance of MyClass, received undefined instead
myFunction({ name: 'John' }); // TypeCheckError: Parameter 0 must be an instance of MyClass, received object instead


import { signature, Any } from 'function-schema';

// myFunction(name: any): void
const myFunction = signature(Any)()(
  (something) => console.log(something),

// myFunction Accepts anything!

myFunction(); // undefined
myFunction(null); // null
myFunction(500); // 500
myFunction('Steve'); // 'Steve'
myFunction({ x: 0, y: 0 }); // { x: 0, y: 0 }

One Of

import { signature, OneOf } from 'function-schema';

const myFunction = signature(OneOf(String, Number))()(
  (value) => console.log(value);

myFunction('A string!'); // 'A string!'
myFunction(600); // 600

myFunction(); // TypeCheckError: Parameter 0 must be an instance of OneOf<string, number>, received undefined instead
myFunction(null);  // TypeCheckError: Parameter 0 must be an instance of OneOf<string, number>, received object instead
myFunction(undefined);  // TypeCheckError: Parameter 0 must be an instance of OneOf<string, number>, received undefined instead
myFunction({});  // TypeCheckError: Parameter 0 must be an instance of OneOf<string, number>, received object instead
myFunction(() => 'Boom!');  // TypeCheckError: Parameter 0 must be an instance of OneOf<string, number>, received function instead


import { signature, Struct } from 'function-schema';

// Define your structure:
const MyType = Struct({
  name: String,
  age: Int,
  favoriteGame: Optional(String),

// Define your function
const myFunction = signature(MyType)(String)(
  ({ name, age, favoriteGame}) 
    => `This is ${name}, I'm ${age} years old and ${favoriteGame ? `my favorite game is ${favoriteGame}` : 'have no favorite game'}`;

  name: 'John',
  age: 17,
  favoriteGame: 'Halo'
}); // "This is John, I'm 17 years old and my favorite game is Halo"

  name: 'Albert',
  age: 98,
}); // "This is Albert, I'm 94 years old and I have no favorite game"

myFunction({ }); 
// TypeCheckError: Parameter 0 must be an instance of {
// name: string,
// age: int,
// favoriteGame: Optional<String>
// }, received object with these errors: 
//  - name: Parameter 0 must be an instance of string, received undefined instead,
//  - age: Parameter 0 must be an instance of int, received undefined instead
//  instead

Promise Of

import { signature, PromiseOf } from 'function-schema';

const myPromiseProducingFunction = signature()(PromiseOf(String))(
  () => new Promise((accept) => accept('Some Text'))

// Or

const myAsyncFunction = signature()(PromiseOf(String))(
  async () => {
    const result = await somePromiseFunction();
    return result;


import { signature, Any } from 'function-schema';

// myFunction(name: any): void
const myFunction = signature(Any)()(
  (something) => console.log(something),

// myFunction Accepts anything!

myFunction(); // undefined
myFunction(null); // null
myFunction(500); // 500
myFunction('Steve'); // 'Steve'
myFunction({ x: 0, y: 0 }); // { x: 0, y: 0 }


import { signature, Variadic } from 'function-schema';

const myFunction = signature(Number, Variadic(String))()(
  (numericValue, ...variadicValues) => console.log(numericValue, variadicValues);

myFunction(600); // 600, []
myFunction(600, 'String1'); // 600, ['String1']
myFunction(600, 'String1', 'String2'); // 600, ['String1', 'String2']

myFunction(600, null); // TypeCheckError: Parameter 1 must be an instance of ...string[], received null@1 instead
myFunction(600, 'String1', undefined); // TypeCheckError: Parameter 1 must be an instance of ...string[], received undefined@2 instead
myFunction(600, 'String1', 100, 'String2', 300); // TypeCheckError: Parameter 1 must be an instance of ...string[], received number@2, number@4 instead

Warning For the sake of clarity, only use Variadic as last parameter, it can technically be used in the middle, but that'd be confusing and, at certain circumstances, cause unpredictable behaviors.


import { signature, ArrayOf } from 'function-schema';

const myFunction = signature(ArrayOf(String))()(
  (arrayOfStrings) => console.log(arrayOfStrings);

myFunction([]); // []
myFunction(['String1']); // ['String1']
myFunction(['String1', 'String2']); // ['String1', 'String2']

myFunction(null); // TypeCheckError: Parameter 0 must be an instance of string[], received null instead
myFunction(['String1', undefined]); // TypeCheckError: Parameter 0 must be an instance of string[], received [..., undefined@1] instead
myFunction(['String1', 100, 'String2', 300]); // TypeCheckError: Parameter 0 must be an instance of string[], received [..., number@1, ...] instead

Note: Since arrays could potentially be big, this check will stop at the first invalid entry, all subsequent elements will be ignored.


import { signature, Tuple } from 'function-schema';

const myFunction = signature(Tuple(String, Number))()(
  (tuple) => console.log(tuple);

myFunction(['String1', 100]); // ['String1', 'String2']
myFunction(['String1', 100, 'Ignored Value']); // ['String1', 100, 'Ignored Value']

myFunction(null); // TypeCheckError: Parameter 0 must be an instance of (string, number), received null instead
myFunction(['String1', undefined]); // TypeCheckError: Parameter 0 must be an instance of (string, number), received (string, undefined) instead
myFunction(['String1', 'String2', 300]); // TypeCheckError: Parameter 0 must be an instance of (string, number), received (string, string) instead

Use signatures as function factories

import { signature } from 'function-schema';

const RequestHandler = signature(MyRequestClass)(MyResponseClass);

const listUsers = RequestHandler((request) => new MyResponseClass());
const createUser = RequestHandler((request) => new MyResponseClass());

Define custom type checks

// A simple type check
const Email = new TypeCheck('email', (entry) => is.email(entry.value));

// A type check with parameters
const NumberRange = (lowerRange, upperRange) => new TypeCheck(`number(from ${lowerRange} to ${upperRange})`, ({value}) => {
  return is.number(value) && value >= lowerRange && value <= upperRange;

Generics (sort of)

const MapDelegate = (T, R) => signature(T)(R);

const numbersToString = MapDelegate(Number, String)((n) => n.toString());

[1, 2, 3, 4].map(numbersToString); // ['1', '2', '3', '4'];

[1, '!', 3, 4].map(numbersToString); // TypeCheckError: Parameter 0 must be an instance of number, received string instead.

All type checks so far

Type CheckDescriptionUsage
Primitive types
StringCheck if the given value is a string. (Uses typeof value === 'string')const myFunction = signature(String)(String)
NumberChecks if the given value is a number. Numeric strings wont passconst myFunction = signature(Number)(Number)
BooleanChecks if the given value is a boolean. Boolean strings wont passconst myFunction = signature(Boolean)(Boolean)
AnyAccepts any valueconst myFunction = signature(Any)(Any)
IntAccept int numbers onlyconst myFunction = signature(Int)(Int)
VoidAlias for Any, useful to give clarity on return types when no value is expectedconst myFunction = signature()(Void)
TruthyChecks if the given value has any non-falsy valueconst myFunction = signature(Truthy)(Truthy)
FalsyChecks if the given value has a falsy valueconst myFunction = signature(Falsy)(Falsy)
Implicit checks
Equality CheckIf what you provide is a value (not a type or type check), the parameter/return value will be compared to the given valueconst myFunction = signature('Param 0 will be compared to this string')('Return value will be compared to this string')
Type-Of CheckIf what you provide is a type (function/class) that doesn't match with the above criteria, the value will be checked with value instanceof Typeconst myFunction = signature(MyCustomType)(SomeOtherCustomType)
Compound Checks
Optional\<Type>Checks if the value is either of the given type, null or undefinedconst myFunction = signature(Optional(String))(Optional(Number))
OneOf\<Type1, Type2, ...>Checks if the value is of one of the given typesconst myFunction = signature(OneOf(String, Number))(OneOf(Number, Boolean)) Or as an enum: const myFunction = signature(OneOf('a', 'b'))(OneOf(0, 1))
PromiseOf\<Type>Ensures the value is a promise, and once resolved, it checks the promise has returned the correct typeconst myFunction = signature()(PromiseOf(String))
StructChecks if the value complies with the given structure. The object must at least have the same properties and each property should validate against its type, extra properties will be ignored.const myFunction = signature(Struct({ name: String, age: Int, status: OneOf('active', 'suspended') }))(Void)
String Checks
Matches(regex)Checks if the value matches the given regular expressionconst myFunction = signature(Matches(/[a-z]/i))(Matches(/[0-9]/))
EmailChecks if the value is a string representing a valid emailconst myFunction = signature(Email)(Email)
UrlChecks if the value is a string representing a valid Urlconst myFunction = signature(Url)(Url)
NumericStringChecks if the value is a string representing a numberconst myFunction = signature(NumericString)(NumericString)
IntStringChecks if the value is a string representing an integerconst myFunction = signature(IntString)(IntString)
BooleanStringChecks if the value is a string representing a boolean, accepts true or false case-insensitiveconst myFunction = signature(BooleanString)(BooleanString)
Collection Checks
Variadic\<Type>Receives all remaining parameters in a function and check those all are of the given typeconst myFunction = (Variadic(String))() Or const myFunction = (Int, Variadic(String))()
ArrayOf\<Type>Checks that all elements in an array are of the given typeconst myFunction = (ArrayOf(String))(ArrayOf(String))
Tuple\<Type1, Type2, ...>Checks if the value is an array complies with the given structure.const myFunction = (Tuple(String, Int))(Tuple(String, Int, Boolean))

Thanks to:

  • @arasatasaygin - For the is.js library from which I'm actively stealing checks for this library.


Get rid of is.js dependency.

Future Checks:

  • Truthy
  • Falsy

String Checks

  • Matches
  • Email
  • Url
  • NumericString
  • IntString
  • BooleanString: Case insensitive version of OneOf('true', 'false')

Collection Checks

  • Variadic
  • ArrayOf
  • Tuple: Understanding tuple as [TypeCheck1, TypeCheck2, ...]

Type Constraints?

(This one looks tricky, might not be a good idea)

Constrained(TypeCheck, Constraint1, Constraint2)
// Or...
TypeCheck.where(Constraint1, Constraint2);
  • Min
  • Max
  • Range
  • MinLength
  • MaxLength
  • RangeLength
  • (value) => boolean

2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago