0.1.0 • Published 8 years ago

fwsp-jwt-auth v0.1.0

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8 years ago


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JSON Web Token Authentication.

Using jwt-auth

jwt-auth is intended for use by servers / services and relies on external RSA digital certificates in order to carry out its operations. Use the supplied keygen.sh script if you need to create a public/private key pair.

Some services might use a private certificate to create a JSON Web Token, while another service might just use the public certificate to validate the authenticity of a token.

Load jwt-auth as you would normally and load the private and public certificates. You can replace the loadCerts parameters with null if you only need to load a private or public certificate.

const jwtAuth = require('fwsp-jwt-auth');
jwtAuth.loadCerts('./server.pem', './server.pub');

Overriding default options:

The jwt-auth init member can be used to override default values. At this time there's only one default value: tokenExpirationInSeconds which as a default set to 3600 seconds or one hour.

To set a token expiration to only 10 seconds:

  tokenExpirationInSeconds: 10

Note: when using refreshToken, the token will be refreshed to the value set in the initialization options.

To create a JWT token:

const payload = {
  userID: 34,
  admin: true
  .then((token) => {
    // token is now ready for use.

To verify a JWT token:

  .then((response) => {
    // if valid, the response is decoded JWT payload, see verify token response below.

Verify token response

  "userID": 34,
  "admin": true,
  "issuer": "urn:auth",
  "exp": 1466614755,
  "iat": 1466614754

To refresh a valid token:

  .then((newToken) => {
    // if original token was valid then a newToken is returned.

To retrieve a hash of an existing token:

let hash = jwtAuth.getTokenHash(token);

This is useful when implementing a token management scheme.

Creating private and public certificates

You can use the supplied keygen.sh script to create certificates for use with jwt-auth.

$ ./keygen.sh


This project includes mocha/chai tests. Make sure you have mocha installed globally.

$ npm install mocha -g

Then run:

$ npm test