0.0.4 • Published 5 years ago

fysx v0.0.4

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Last release
5 years ago
import * as FYSX from 'fysx';

// Create a world
const world = new FYSX.World();

// Enable the world border and set it's size
world.hasBorders = true;
world.width = 800;
world.height = 600;

// Populate the world with randomly positioned bodies
const size = new FYSX.Vec2(50, 50);
for (let i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
  const pos = new FYSX.Vec2(
    (world.width  - size.x) * Math.random(),
    (world.height - size.y) * Math.random()
  const body = FYSX.createRectangleBody(pos, size);

// Simulate the world for a bit
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {


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Getting Started

Check out the examples in the examples folder.


FYSX's physics algorithm is based on Verlet integration.


A Vertex is a single particle in space. It has a position and a previous position (which is used to calculate it's velocity).


A Constraint is a "connection" between one or more vertices. They come in different types. They usually apply a force to one or more of the "connected" vertices depending on their current state.

Types of constraints:

  • Distance Constraint: Tries to keep two vertices at a constant distance for each other by pushing/pulling them towards/from one another.
  • Leash Constraint: Force one vertex to stay within a radius of the other vertex by pulling the vertex inside the radius when it's outside.
  • Pin Constraint: Pins a vertex to a point in space. The vertex is forced to stay at that point at all times.


An Edge is a "solid" line between two vertices. Edges and vertices are the only things that can collide with each other (a collision is always between an edge and a vertex).


Body is a group of vertices, constraints and edges.


A World is where all the vertices, constraints, edges and bodies live. Only physical objects in the same world can interact with each other.


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