1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

gadispatcher v1.0.0

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7 years ago

gadispatcher npm

GADispatcher is a highly simplified API for sending any type of event to Google Analytics. (WIP: Any requests made with this library that fail are gracefully queued in the background to resend later.)

:warning: There are currently no tests for this library. :warning:


GADispatcher(trackingId, identifier, options)

Calling new GADispatcher() instantiates the GADispatcher instance.

  • trackingId - A Google Analytics tracking ID.
  • [identifier] - An optional V4 UUID. One is generated and stored between sessions if no UUID is passed.
  • [options] - See the universal-analytics documentation for available options.
send(eventType, metadata)
  • eventType - Kind of event to send. Currently available events are pageview, event, transaction, exception and timing.
  • [metadata] - Optional metadata as an object. universal-analytics documentation for available options.

If you prefer examples, I got you.

Instantiating an instance:
// Set up some vars
const GA_ID = 'UA-123456-78'
const UUID = '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000'

const GA_OPTS = {
  https: true // on by default

// Ready
const ga = new GADispatcher(GA_ID, UUID)
Sending a request:
// Configure some data about an event
const recordingEvent = {
  eventCategory: 'User action',
  eventAction: 'Started recording'

// Sends an event type request to Google Analytics
ga.send('event', recordingEvent)