0.2.1 • Published 8 years ago

gadkod v0.2.1

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Last release
8 years ago


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Check inside your files for suspicious unicode characters in code (like greek question mark…)

How it works ?

gadkòd, according to the options used, read the given files to find unicode characters that can create potential errors in code, like the greek question mark, unbreakable spaces, etc.
By default, gadkòd will only report the characters, but he can also convert the characters if needed.

Usage as node.js module


To use gadkòd as a node.js module, install it first to your project.

npm install --save gadkod

Usage for reporting

Using gadkòd for reporting is simple, after require it :

gadkod = require( "gadkod" );

gadkod.report( "./code.js", function( oError, oResults ) {
    // do awesome things here.
} );


gadkod.report( sFilePath [, fCallback ] )
  • sFilePath is the path to the file to analyse.
  • fCallback is the callback function, which returns two arguments :
    • oError: if an error occurs during the process
    • aResults: the report for the given files, which is an array of results, containing line & column of the character, and a character object describing the character and its probable replacement.

Usage for converting

Using gadkòd for converting is simple, after require it :

gadkod = require( "gadkod" );

gadkod.convert( "./code.js", oOptions, function( oError, oResults ) {
    // do awesome things here.
} );


gadkod.convert( sFilePath [, oOptions [, fCallback ] ] )
  • sFilePath is the path to the file to convert.
  • oOptions details the options for conversion.
    • encoding: use the specified encoding to read & write file. If no encoding is given, gadkòd will use utf-8.
  • fCallback is the callback function, which returns two arguments :
    • oError: if an error occurs during the process
    • aResults: the report for the given files, which is an array of results, containing line & column of the character, and a character object describing the character and the affected replacement.

Usage as command-line tool


To use gadkòd as a command-line tool, it is preferable to install it globally.

(sudo) npm install -g gadkod


Using gadkòd is simple:

gadkod [options] <files…>


    -c, --convert          perform a conversion, replacing the suspicious characters
    -e, --encoding [value] when performing a conversion, use the specified encoding
    -h, --help             output usage information
    -V, --version          output the version number


convert (-c,--convert)

By default, gadkòd only report the suspicious characters, without performing any conversion.
With the convert option, each suspicious character will be replaced, and a rapport will be outputed to track the replacements.

encoding (-e,--encoding [value])

When performing a conversion, use the specified encoding to read & write file. If no encoding is given, gadkòd will use utf-8.

help (-h,--help)

Output usage information.

version (-v,--version)

Output gadkòd' version number.

Usage as Atom Linter package

Please refer to linter-gadkod documentation.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Lint your code using Grunt.

Release History

  • 0.2.0: Rewrite code with ES2015 (13/01/16)
  • 0.1.0: Initial release (25/10/15)


Copyright (c) 2015 Leny
Licensed under the MIT license.