1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

gatsby-plugin-embedded-netlify-cms v1.0.0

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4 years ago

Gatsby Plugin: Embedded Netlify CMS

This Gatsby plugin is an alternative to gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms, implementing it within the Gatsby site instead of an external Webpack config; this way, you can use a page query to provide data to your Netlify CMS instance!

Plugin Options

publicPath: String = "admin"

Like plugin-netlify-cms, this option specifies where createPage will be called to make Netlify CMS's entry point. If set to a falsy value, this plugin won't call createPage.

htmlTitle: String = "Content Manager"

This string is provided through context to the entry point createPage, which with the default component plugs it react-helmet to set the page's title.

htmlFavicon: String = null

This string is passed through context into the entry point's head, like htmlTitle. Notably, it's just a static string so generally this would point to a file in your Gatsby site's /static folder, relative to that folder (I.E. a favicon in static/favicon.png would use /favicon.png)

faviconType: String

This is the type attribute given to the favicon's link element. If not specified, the plugin will attempt to infer the correct one depending on htmlFavicon's extension (image/x-icon for .ico, image/ico for anything else).

buildConfig: async Function(gatsby: Object, options: Object)

This special function is used to build the config used in Netlify CMS. It's executed in the createPages lifecycle and given the same arguments- though it's worth noting the options passed in are after the plugin's default options are provided.

The value returned from this function is set as the config key in the entry point's page context, which is then passed directly into Netlify CMS as config.

Shadowable files


The function exported by this module is called in the default CMS page component once the CMS is loaded and available, and is the point where things like custom widgets should be added to the CMS.

The function is given an object with the following shape:

  CMS, // The Netlify CMS library object,
  data, // The result of the CMS Page's page query
  pageContext, // The context passed to this page from createPage
  config // The configuration generated by create-config

You may also import and call the original module to take advantage of the File System Backend in development mode, like so:

import originalConfigurator from "gatsby-plugin-embedded-netlify-cms/src/configure-cms"
import MyWidget from "../components/myWidget"

export default ({ CMS, config }) => {
  originalConfigurator({ CMS, config })
  CMS.registerWidget("my-widget", myWidget)

Take note that the config object here is what's passed into the CMS, so modifying it will modify config options. The default implementation takes advantage of this to override the previous configuration to use the File System backend.


This module exports a component that sets up Netlify CMS with the Webpack config this plugin uses, meant to be called with createPage. The original can also be imported by shadows to use this same functionality with a custom page query.

It's generally best to avoid shadowing this and stick to buildConfig and configure-cms for your configuration, but the possibility is here if you need it.

How to Use

Build Config

First, you need to make your buildConfig function and pass it to the plugin in gatsby-config. In this function, you can access all of the arguments Gatsby provides to createPages- most importantly, the graphql function.

Unlike the one in components, this is the build-time graphql function. It's invoked with parentheses and can take query arguments.

Here's an example as to what I'm getting at:

const buildConfig = async ({graphql}) => {
  const {data, errors} = await graphql(`
      [... your GraphQL query]
  if(errors) throw errors;
  const processedData = processData(data)
  return {
    backend: {
      name: "git-gateway",
      branch: "master",
    load_config_file: false,
    media_folder: "static/uploads",
    public_folder: "/uploads",
    collections: [
        label: "Pages",
        label_singular: "page",
        name: "pages",
        folder: "content",
        extension: "mdx",
        format: "yaml-frontmatter",
        create: true,
        fields: [
            label: "Category", 
            name: "category", 
            widget: "select", 
            options: processedData.categories

GraphQL is optional, of course; you can easily just return a static configuration or something based on options if that's all you need.

Configure CMS

While configuration can easily be done at build time, there's a few things in Netlify CMS, such as custom widgets and backends, that use the imported CMS and other live objects which aren't so easily done at build time. For these, you can shadow the configure-cms.js module!

reprising the example up above:

import originalConfigurator from "gatsby-plugin-embedded-netlify-cms/src/configure-cms"
import MyWidget from "../components/myWidget"

export default ({ CMS, config }) => {
  originalConfigurator({ CMS, config })
  CMS.registerWidget("my-widget", myWidget)

It's that simple!
You can also leave out the "originalConfigurator" but if you'd like, it sets up the File System backend in development mode and overrides configuration accordingly.