0.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

gatsby-plugin-static-image v0.0.2

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4 years ago

Experimental static images for Gatsby

The gatsby-image, component combined with the sharp plugin, as an awesome way to automatically resize and optimise your images and serve them on the most performant way. This plugin is a proof of concept for a simpler way to use Gatsby's image processing tools without needing to write GraphQL queries. It is designed for static images such as logos rather than ones loaded dynamically from a CMS.

The normal way to do this now is with useStaticQuery:

import React from "react"
import Img from "gatsby-image"

export const Dino = () => {
  const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
    query LogoQuery {
      file(relativePath: { eq: "trex.png" }) {
        childImageSharp {
          fixed(height: 100) {

  return <Img fixed={data?.file?.childImageSharp?.fixed} alt="T-Rex" />

This component lets you write this instead:

import React from "react"
import { StaticImage as Img } from "gatsby-plugin-static-image"

export const Dino = () => <Img height={100} src="trex.png" alt="T-Rex" />

The src prop is an image relativePath, so you need to ensure it's in a folder that is parsed by gatsby-source-filesystem.

You can pass in options that match ones passed to the ImageSharp query:

import React from "react"
import { StaticImage as Img } from "gatsby-plugin-static-image"

export const Dino = () => (

...is equivalent to:

import React from "react"
import Img from "gatsby-image"

export const Dino = () => {
  const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
    query LogoQuery {
      file(relativePath: { eq: "trex.png" }) {
        childImageSharp {
          fluid(maxWidth: 200, grayscale: true) {

  return <Img fixed={data?.file?.childImageSharp?.fixed} alt="T-Rex" />

How does it work?

When your site is compiled, any references to StaticImage components are extracted, the images are resized by Sharp in a similar way to gatsby-transformer-sharp, and then the resulting sharp object is written to .cache/caches/gatsby-plugin-static-image/, with the filename generated as a hash of the normalized image props. Next, a Babel plugin finds any references to StaticImage, calculates the same hash, loads the JSON file with the sharp object, then adds it as a new parsedValues prop. It then returns a GatsbyImage, passing the parsedValues as the fixed or fluid prop.

Are there restrictions to how this is used?

You cannot pass variables or expressions to the props: they must be literal values, and not spread. For example, this is forbidden:

//Doesn't work
({ logo }) => <Img src={logo}>

...and nor does this:

//Doesn't work
() => {
    const width = 200;
    return <Img src="trex-png" width={width}>


npm install gatsby-plugin-static-image

...then add it to your gatsby-config.js:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [


The only required prop is src. The default type is fixed.

For now:

export interface ImageOptions {
  fixed?: boolean //Default true
  fluid?: boolean
  webP?: boolean
  base64?: boolean // Default true
  tracedSVG?: boolean

export interface SomeGatsbyImageProps {
  fadeIn?: boolean
  durationFadeIn?: number
  title?: string
  alt?: string
  className?: string | object
  critical?: boolean
  crossOrigin?: string | boolean
  style?: object
  imgStyle?: object
  placeholderStyle?: object
  placeholderClassName?: string
  backgroundColor?: string | boolean
  onLoad?: () => void
  onError?: (event: Event) => void
  onStartLoad?: (param: { wasCached: boolean }) => void
  Tag?: string
  itemProp?: string
  loading?: `auto` | `lazy` | `eager`
  draggable?: boolean

export interface CommonImageProps {
  quality?: number
  jpegQuality?: number
  pngQuality?: number
  webpQuality?: number
  grayscale?: boolean
  // Disabled for now because parsing objects is annoying. One day.
  // duotone?: false | { highlight: string; shadow: string }
  toFormat?: "NO_CHANGE" | "JPG" | "PNG" | "WEBP"
    | "CENTER"
    | "NORTH"
    | "EAST"
    | "SOUTH"
    | "WEST"
    | "ENTROPY"
  pngCompressionSpeed?: number
  rotate?: number

export interface FluidImageProps extends CommonImageProps {
  fluid?: true
  fixed?: false
  maxWidth?: number
  maxHeight?: number
  srcSetBreakpoints?: number[]
  fit?: number
  background?: number

export interface FixedImageProps extends CommonImageProps {
  fixed?: true
  fluid?: false
  width?: number
  height?: number

export type AllProps = ImageOptions &
  FluidImageProps &
  FixedImageProps &
  SomeGatsbyImageProps & { src: string }