1.0.6 • Published 5 years ago

gatsby-primerbook-theme v1.0.6

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Last release
5 years ago

Gatsby PrimerBook Theme


  • contentPath The directory where the books will be stored. Defaults to books
  • books An array of book to be created using the theme.
books: [
			name: 'Machine Learning',
			subtitle: 'Teaching Machines to think like humans',
			author: 'primerlabs',
			name: 'Logistic Regression',
			subtitle: 'Teaching Machines to think like humans',
			author: 'primerlabs'
  • book Book detail to be provided to the books theme
    • name Name of the Book required
    • subtitle Subtitle of the Book required
    • author Author of the Book required
    • index Defaults to false required . Use this if you wish to use the book at the root '/' of the gatsby application
  • autoGenerate Defaults to true. If true, a folder for each book specified books option will be generated and filled with example data.


You can use the following directly in the Mdx Books Files

  • Side - subtitle = '' - float = 'right' - large = false - modal = false

  • Full - subtitle = '' - large = false - modal = false,